


  • The whole collective is full of vigor and confidence .

    整个集体充满了 活力和信心。

  • The emergence of short message service injects brand new vigor into our life .

    短信的出现为我们的生活带来了新的 活力

  • Since then the Chinese society has shown unprecedented vigor and creativity .

    中国社会迸发出前所未有的 活力和创造力。

  • Rising again as to new life and vigor .

    复活,恢复活力和 精力

  • You can develop a comprehensive school full of vigor and vitality .

    你们能够全面地发展,学校就充满 生机与活力。

  • Illumination reduced the coefficient of germination rate but increased germination index and vigor index .

    光照可加快种子萌发速度(降低萌发速率系数),提高萌发指数和 幼苗 活力指数。

  • Restored to consciousness or life or vigor .

    恢复意识、生命和 精力

  • While the imbalance of social interest structure restricts seriously the social vigor in our country .

    社会利益结构的失衡严重制约了我国社会 活力

  • PwC will always be a place of vigor and opportunities .

    普华永道永远是一个 充满 活力和机会的地方。

  • The Party and the nation were again full of hope and vigor on the great march to socialist modernization .

    党和国家又充满希望、 充满 活力 上了实现社会主义现代化的伟大征程。

  • Impart vigor strength or vitality to .

    给予 精力力量或生命力。

  • The mature conception inspires vitality and vigor .

    成熟的理念迸发了生机与 活力

  • Rabbit symbol full of youth and vigor be permeated with the spirit of optimism .

    兔象征充满了青春 活力,洋溢着乐观向上的精神。

  • This is a season of spring as the youth we have full of vigor and vitality .

    这是一个春意盎然的季节,就像我们所拥有的青春一样,充满 生机和活力。

  • We can feel the vigor and strength in his strokes ;

    我们可以感受到他的笔锋的力量和 气势

  • President Clinton displayed no lack of vigor when he began to speak .

    克林顿总统 开腔颇有 气势

  • She works with daring and vigor .

    她工作很 泼辣

  • Method : The peroxidase solution was used to test the pollen vigor in different flowering time and storage conditions .

    方法:采用过氧化物酶法测定不同花期与不同贮藏条件的花粉 活力

  • The socialism China adheres to is brimming with vigor and vitality .

    中国坚持的是充满 生机和活力的社会主义。

  • We need to display the passion and vigor in order to be worthy of our youth ;

    我们需要迸发的激情和 蓬勃 生机,才能无愧于我们的青春;

  • Zhejiang Institute of Finance is a full of vigor and vitality of the emerging institutions of higher learning .

    浙江财经学院是一所充满 生机和活力的新兴高等学府。

  • Characterized by or full of force and vigor .

    具有力量和 活力或者充满了力量和 活力

  • Had the water circulating system entire construction increased naturally the vigor .

    有了水循环系统,整个建筑平添了 活力

  • This is where the vigor and vitality of the Party lies .

    这是 保持党的 生机 活力的根本所在。

  • Feel dalian 's vigor and vitality .

    感受到大连的 生机和活力。

  • They understand our vigor and our physicality .

    他们了解舞者的 活力和身体。

  • The development of Internet brings to applied writing teaching new issues as well as vigor and vitality .

    网络的发展,给应用写作教学带来了 生机和活力,也提出了新的问题。

  • The youthful vigor that fills his bones will lie with him in the dust .

    他的骨头虽然有青年之 ,却要和他一同躺卧在尘土中。

  • Campus life will lose its variety and vigor if marginalized clubs die out .

    如果一些边缘社团消失了,那么校园生活也就失去了其多样性和 活力

  • Male sterility opens up an efficient and cost-effective way to take advantage of hybrid vigor in crop production .

    雄性不育为农作物 杂种 优势的利用开辟了一条经济有效的途径。