viewing screen

[ˈvjuɪŋ skrin][ˈvju:iŋ skri:n]


  • The viewing screen of a stereo film or video is at a fixed distance from the viewer so there is no focus change .

    立体电影或视频的 显示屏离观众的距离是一定的,所以没有焦距变化。

  • With attention to the above we report a sequential contrast of 800:1 at the viewing screen .

    在关注上述问题的同时,我们曾报告过,在 的时序对比度为8001。

  • The second challenge with properly viewing the report on screen at high resolution image ( see challenge B above ) was solved by not using high resolution images for browsing and print preview .

    第二个挑战是在高分辨率图片时如何在 屏幕 正确 显示报表(见上文挑战B),这个只要不在浏览和打印预览时使用高分辨率图像就解决掉了。

  • This provides full visual quality when viewing at a screen size less than the original recording .

    在较小 屏幕 观看时,提供与原始记录完全相当的视觉质量。

  • Two experiments were designed to examine the effects of target size and viewing angle on the visual performance on an LCD screen .

    本研究 工程 心理学角度,探讨了有源矩阵液晶 显示器 字符辨认效果与 观察 角度及字符大小的关系。

  • In addition we propose a method using double colour circulation or multiple colour circulation to increase the vertical viewing angle and the striped-speckle screen to increase the horizontal viewing angle .

    此外,还提出了应用色序双循环或多循环技术增大垂直方向 视角、应用定向散斑 增大水平方向视角的新方法。

  • The oscilloscope viewing screen of a radar receiver .

    雷达 显示器雷达接收器的示波器 显示屏

  • In the shorter term prolonged viewing of a computer screen can make any slight existing vision defects more noticeable .

    简而言之,一直 着电脑 屏幕可以在短期内使视力明显下降。

  • The collimating back lighting plus diffusing viewing screen can improve the viewing angle and increase the contrast of the LCD at the same time .

    准直背光源加漫射 观察 的液晶盒外光学补偿法在改善LCD视角的同时,还可提高LCD的对比度。

  • As the rapid development of plasma display panels '( PDPs ) made technology PDPs are used in many fields . PDPs offer many advantages such as lower weight a wider viewing angle providing clearer images and bigger screen .

    随着等离子制造技术的迅猛发展,等离子正在被越来越广泛的应用于各个领域。等离子具有其他显示面板无法比拟的优点,重量轻, 视角 ,对比度高, 屏幕大等。

  • Two monkeys ( Macaca mulatta ) were trained to fixate a small spot positioned sequentially at 25 locations on a viewing screen .

    实验前训练两只猴(Macacamulatta)注视一个小光点,并使 注视点在 屏幕 顺序移动25个位置。

  • Background colors can create contrast and interest when users are viewing your form on the screen .

    当用户在 屏幕 查看表单时,背景色可以形成对比并引起注意。

  • Images with the crystal ball can be stationary or move around as if viewing a screen .

    水晶球图像能被定住或来回晃动好像 荧光 屏幕一样。

  • Others remain wary of where bullet screens might take the viewing experience expressing concern about a possible barrage of commercial advertisements hate texts or other sensitive content in real-time messages on the screen .

    也有人为弹幕会把 体验带向何方而感到担忧,对 银幕上可能实时 出现大量商业广告、仇恨短信或其他敏感内容表示担忧。

  • The problem of Fresnel parallel lights straight-edge diffraction is analysed quantitatively by using Matlab tool . The relative light intensity distributed on the boundary of straight-edge baffle in the viewing screen and the limit coordinate that diffraction light can reach to the shadow are calculated .

    利用Matlab对菲涅尔平行光直边衍射问题作了定量的分析,计算了幕上直边 挡板边缘处的相对光强及衍射光能到达阴影处的极限坐标;

  • Astrovision LCD reflective viewing screen

    液晶式大型 显示 屏幕

  • Maximizing windows : When you click on the blue maximize button in Windows XP the window you are viewing occupies the whole screen .

    最大化窗口:当你在WindowsXP系统中点击蓝色的最大化按钮时,当前窗口会 占据整个 屏幕

  • While we are able to edit a message already we currently have no view for simply viewing the message which is important since not many people will have access to the edit screen .

    我们现在已经能编辑消息,可当前我们并没有 查看该消息的简单视图,这是非常重要的,因为不是很多人都有权利进入编辑 页面的。

  • The viewing frustum has an origin ( 0 ) at the center of the screen while screen coordinates have an origin at the upper left of the screen .

    视图锥截体的原点(,0) 屏幕中心,而屏幕坐标的则在屏幕的左上角。