Not a vestige of the ancient structure remains .
古建筑的 残迹 已 荡然无存。
He has not a vestige of evidence for this assertion .
他没有 丝毫证据证明这个论断。
A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface . Every vestige has been swept away .
缝隙在表面留下的切痕或刮痕 一切 痕迹都被一扫而光。
Abundant geological vestige resources are hidden in mountains and canyons here hence the name Natural Geology Museum by professional geologists .
四周群山、峡谷间,隐匿丰富的地质 遗迹,地质专家们承认这是一个“天然的地质博物馆”。
Vestige On wooden wall there are some words which show some truth in Culture Revolution period .
《 遗迹》木质的 窗墙上,还保留着特殊年代的“真理”。
A human being has the vestige of a tail .
人类仍有尾巴 退化 的 痕迹。
As the judge 's sentence was read out West showed no vestige of emotion .
法官宣读裁决时韦斯特没有表现出 丝毫的感情。
There 's not a vestige of truth in the rumour .
这个 谣传毫无真实可言。
Every vestige has been swept away .
一切 痕迹都被一扫而光。
Manners and customs changed to leave no vestige of the former times .
礼仪和习俗也变得 全无以往时代的 踪迹。
We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great — hard work .
是辛勤劳动成就了这个国家,而我们就是这一 品质 硕果仅存的代表。
If we want to measure our body fat the scale is an archaic vestige of the 20 century .
假若我们想测量身体脂肪,磅秤是20世纪陈旧 遗迹。
Not a vestige of the castle remained .
古堡的 痕迹 已 荡然无存。
Every vestige has been swept away . The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft .
一切 痕迹都被一扫而光。该空域用雷达扫描以便发现敌机踪迹。
Unknowingly this American was experiencing a vestige of protocol rooted centuries deep in the Japanese culture .
这位美国女士不知不觉 领教了日本几百年来根深蒂固的文化传统。
They had not a vestige of her sparkling spirit .
它们一点也没有她那种精神焕发的 痕迹。
The love sees that month that fog color that cloud vestige !
爱看那月影,那雾色,那云 迹!
We compare with wave vestige the person of the limits of the earth just having another a material of outer shell .
我们和 浪迹天涯的人相比,只是多了一个物质的外壳。
They will carry on the struggle till their land is rid of the last vestige of imperialism .
他们要继续斗争,直到把他们国家中一切帝国主义 痕迹消除干净。
There is now no vestige of hope that the missing children will be found alive .
失踪孩子还能生还的 一丝希望现在也没有了。
And if you should forget me for a while and afterwards remember Do not grieve . With the darkness and corruption leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had .
如果你偶尔忘了我,请不要难过,因为我曾 有的思想的 痕迹, 早已随着黑暗与腐烂远离。
No vestige of hat island is left now .
帽 儿岛现在已经 无影无踪了。
In such a doctrine there is to my mind no vestige of comfort or consolation .
在我看来,这种学说中没有 丝毫的安乐和慰藉。
His win removed the last vestige of doubt about his abilities .
他的成功打消了对他能力的最后 一丝怀疑。
Introducing a kind of super-speed even needle vestige prepares the system of the pinprick machine constitutes and its design important point .
介绍了一种高速均匀针 迹预针刺机的系统组成及其设计要点。
Just as male nipples are a useless vestige of evolution so in their theory is a majority of our genome .
他们认为,雄性的乳头只是进化中的一个无用的 痕迹,我们的绝大部分基因组也是如此。
Every vestige of embarrassment was gone .
一切 难为情 的 迹象 也都消失了。
By quantitative evaluation canyon landform fold and Karst caves are A level in geological vestige landscape .
经定量评价,峡谷地貌、褶皱构造和溶洞是 公园 导向性的 A级地质 遗迹景观;
Not a vestige of the Abbey remains .
那修道院的 遗迹 已 荡然无存。