To minimize the cost of a virtual processor context switch the operating system indicates to the hypervisor whether some resources are in use .
为了实现 虚拟 处理器上下文切换成本的最小化,操作系统将告诉Hypervisor是否正在使用某些资源。
Virtual database machine is a software abstract layer on general computing platforms especially parallel computing platforms and is made up of three components : virtual processor virtual data bus and virtual memory .
虚拟数据库机是建立在通用硬件平台上的一个软件抽象层,由 虚拟 处理机、虚拟数据总线、虚拟主存三部分组成。
Using Saber self-contained MAST language to write switch driver program the driver program calls the foreign program from VC + + and then a virtual digital signal processor ( DSP ) module is built which can control main circuit .
用Saber自带的MAST语言,编写了开关管的驱动程序,该程序调用VC++里的程序,生成 虚拟 DSP模块控制主电路。
For reasons of donation or sharing the allocated cycles for a virtual processor might be different from the actual cycles consumed .
出于贡献或者共享的原因,为 虚拟 处理器分配的周期可能不同于实际使用的周期。
Starting with AIX5.4 ML3 AIX introduced virtual processor folding .
从AIX5.4ML3开始,AIX引入了 虚拟 处理器合并。
A virtual processor is a process that the operating system schedules for processing .
虚拟 处理器是操作系统计划处理的进程。
Another metric called the Virtual Processor Value Unit ( VP ) represents ( for capped partitions only ) the number of physical processors that can be shared to attain the PrU value .
另一种度量叫做 Virtual ProcessorValueUnit(VP),表示(只用于capped分区)可共享的物理处理器数量,以得到PrU值。
For example assume one virtual processor is holding a lock and does not have enough cycles to release that lock .
例如,假定一个 虚拟 处理器持有一个锁,并且它没有足够的周期来释放这个锁。
Each virtual processor has capacity ranging from 10 percent of the physical processor up to the entire physical processor .
每个 虚拟 处理器的容量可以从物理处理器的10%到整个物理处理器。
CUBE : A Portable Virtual Single Processor Real-time Operating System
CUBE:一种可移植的 虚拟单 处理器实时操作系统
A virtual AP ( Automation Processor ) function software for TXP ( Teleperm XP ) DCS ( Distributed Control System ) is introduced which realizes data acquisition data output and all necessary control functions of real AP .
介绍了针对TXP(TELEPERMXP)分散控制系统 虚拟自动化 处理器AP(AutomationProcessor)功能软件的设计与开发,实现了数据采集、数据输出及真实AP功能块所具有的必要控制功能。
Minimum number of virtual processors : You must have at least one virtual processor for every part of a physical processor assigned to the LPAR .
Minimumnumberofvirtualprocessors:分配给LPAR的每个物理处理器部分都必须至少有一个 虚拟 处理器。
As a result two virtual processors represent each physical processor core .
因此,每个物理 处理器内核可提供两个 虚拟处理器。
This paper first analyzes the trading mechanism of multiple mode trade and introduces the concept of hybrid virtual multiple processor . It presents a software modal for multi-mode trade engine based on message dispatching and two level request queues in the computing environment containing hybrid virtual multiple processors .
通过分析多模式交易的交易机制,引入 虚拟混杂 多处理机的概念,提出了虚拟混杂多处理机计算环境中基于消息分拣和双级请求队列的多模式交易引擎的软件结构模型。
You can also add a Virtual Processor when needed through this screen by selecting Add at the bottom of the screen .
在需要时,还可以通过选择屏幕底部的Add创建 虚拟 处理器。
Embedded System Verification and Software Development Environment Based on Virtual Processor
基于 虚拟 微处理器的嵌入式软件开发与系统验证环境
If not all resources are used in the virtual processor saving all of them from a virtual processor context switch .
如果不这样做的话,就需要在虚拟处理器上下文切换的过程中保存该 虚拟 处理器中使用的所有资源。
Virtual memory processor mode
虚拟存储器 处理方式
If another virtual processor needs that lock and has excess cycles it confers those to the first processor through this call .
如果另一个 虚拟 处理器需要这个锁,并且拥有多余的周期,那么它通过这个调用将剩余周期交换给第一个处理器。
This paper introduces the architecture and characteristics of several Java processor including Java virtual machine Java processor based on stack architecture Java coprocessor and Java processor based on VLIW .
本文介绍了几种Java处理器技术的结构和特点,包括Java 虚拟机、采用堆栈结构的Java 处理器、Java协处理器、采用VLIW技术的Java并行处理器等。
This partial physical processor that is allocated is called a virtual processor .
所分配的这部分物理处理器称为 虚拟 处理器。
The hypervisor stores the entire processing cycles of a virtual processor in the shared pool .
Hypervisor在共享池中存储 虚拟 处理器的整个处理周期。
Just as a CPU runs multiple operating system processes to service multiple users an Informix virtual processor runs multiple threads to service multiple SQL client applications .
与一个CPU运行多个操作系统线程、服务多个用户一样,一个Informix 虚拟 处理器运行多个线程,服务多个SQL客户机应用程序。
When a context switch occurs in cases such as virtual processor conferring its cycles to another virtual processor it will be required to save the entire program visible processor state .
在出现上下文切换的情况下(如 虚拟 处理器将其周期交换给另一个虚拟处理器的时候),必须保存整个程序的可见处理器状态。
A virtual processor runs threads on behalf of SQL client applications ( session threads ) and also to satisfy internal requirements ( internal threads ) .
虚拟 处理器代表SQL客户机应用程序(会话线程)并为了满足内部需要(内部线程)而运行线程。
The OS maintains an area for each virtual processor called Virtual Processor Area ( VPA ) .
OS为每个 虚拟 处理器维护一个称为虚拟处理器区域(VPA)的区域。
In case the virtual processor gets new work in the same cycle the hypervisor gives the unused cycles back .
如果 虚拟 处理器在同一周期中获得了新的工作,那么Hypervisor会返回未使用的周期。
The partition profile also specifies the minimum and maximum amount of memory and number of virtual processors and processor entitlement .
分区文件还指定了最小和最大内存量,以及 虚拟处理器的数量和 处理器权限。
This fact means that you must look at all the costs of your virtual environment including processor memory and I / O to understand the total cost of running that virtual environment .
这意味着必须看到 虚拟 化环境的所有成本,包括 处理器、内存和I/O,才能理解运行这个虚拟化环境的总体成本。
When Virtual Machine A requires processor cycles it will ask the host for them .
当 虚拟机A需要 处理器周期时,它会向主机请求它们。
美[ˈvɚtʃuəl ˈprɑsˌɛsɚ]英[ˈvə:tjuəl ˈprɔsˌesə]