virtual connection

[ˈvɚtʃuəl kəˈnɛkʃən][ˈvə:tjuəl kəˈnekʃən]


  • The important work of this paper is analysis some characteristics of OSPF such as pattern LSA of topology routing computation neighbor state machine area division a virtual connection transmitting of routing data and communication with AS and so on .

    本文的工作重点是对OSPF从类型,拓扑的LSA,路由计算,邻居状态机,报文的交换,区域的划分, 连接,与外部系统的通信以及可靠性等方面进行了分析。

  • On the virtual Ethernet connection 's capability set the type of connection to the host system 's network connection to use such as bridged host-only or NAT .

    对于 虚拟以太网 连接的功能,您可以将连接的类型设置为主机系统的网络连接,以使用,例如桥连的,只有主机的或者NAT。

  • Add a virtual disk definition unit and a virtual Ethernet connection unit to the virtual image .

    向虚拟化镜像添加一个虚拟的硬盘定义单元和一个 虚拟的以太网 连接单元。

  • In this paper we reinvestigate the TCP connection capacity and newly define it as virtual connection capacity ( VCC ) based on which we analyze how the RTT jitters impact TCP performance .

    在本文中,我们重新诠释TCP连接容量的含义并将其定义为 虚拟 连接容量,基于此来分析RTT抖动具体如何影响TCP的性能。

  • In this case they represent the configuration of the virtual disk and network connection .

    在这种情况下,它们代表了 虚拟硬盘及网络 连接的配置情况。

  • The virtual image also contains virtual disk definition and virtual network connection units that represent the virtual resources that the hypervisor provides to the virtual system .

    虚拟镜像还包含了虚拟硬盘定义与 虚拟网络 连接单元,它们代表了虚拟监管系统向虚拟机系统所提供的虚拟资源。

  • This bearer service flexibly supports connection-oriented communications at any bit rate over a virtual channel connection .

    这种承载业务能够灵活地支持在一个 信道 连接上的任意比特率的面向连接的通信。

  • The on-site test results indicate that energy meter 's neutral point virtual connection has a great effect on PT secondary voltage drop .

    基于对称分量法,对电能表中性点 后的电压互感器二次压降进行了分析,得出了正确 接线 前后的计量误差变化量。

  • This paper reviews the technology . on FR and ATM which are concerned with rapid packet switching discusses virtual connection multiplexing and parameters mapping about interwork between networks services of FR and ATM .

    简要回顾与快速分组交换有关的FR和ATM技术及2种技术的结合,讨论了ATM与 FK有关网络互通、业务互通的 连接复用、参数映射等技术问题。

  • In this way you can emulate virtual null-modem cable connection .

    这种方式,您可以学习的 虚拟空调制解调器电缆 连接

  • The ATM layer is a nucleus of its connection technique . The essence of connection process lies in use of virtual connection and four basic steps for connection establishment .

    其中提出了ATM层是其连接技术的核心,连接过程的实质是利用了 连接的概念及连接建立的4个基本步骤。

  • The Total Time-Delay for Virtual Connection OO_cO Layering Protocol Network

    虚拟 连接OOcO型分层协议网的总时延

  • Virtual Body : Connection between Phenomenology and Digital Art

    虚拟身体:现象学与数码艺术的 会聚

  • The second contains your virtual hostname and connection information ( sample below ) .

    第二封包含您的 虚拟主机名与 连接信息(如下例所示)。

  • Each additional area must have a direct or virtual connection to the backbone OSPF area .

    每一个额外的区域必须有一个直接或者 虚拟 连接到OSPF的主攻区域上。

  • The Influences and Analyses about PT Secondary Voltage Drop Caused by Energy Meter 's Neutral Point Virtual Connection

    电能表中性点 对电压互感器二次压降的影响分析

  • We model the buffering mechanism of interworking unit with permanent virtual connection through M / M / 1 / K queuing approach and solve this model .

    对永久性 连接方式的网间互联器的缓冲机制采用M/H/I/K排队方法进行了建模求解。

  • Port is a virtual switch connection point .

    端口是一个 虚拟交换机 连接点。

  • Considering the flow control of Available Bit Rate ( ABR ) service as the control problem of time-delay system the fuzzy rate control algorithm is presented . This algorithm fairly and effectively allocates the available bandwidth among all ABR virtual connection .

    将ABR(AvailableBitRate)业务的流量控制抽象为一时滞系统的控制问题,提出了一种模糊速率流量控制算法,实现了带宽在各个ABR 连接中公平有效地分配。

  • Design of added-value business platform : this platform can realize virtual connection between different company and different industries if necessary which is an absolutely creative design .

    增值业务平台设计:为商业企业实现充分资源与信息共享,达到互惠互利而设计的信息化平台,甚至可以实现不同企业、不同行业的 虚拟 连锁,这是一个大胆的创新设计。

  • The Exact Evaluation of A and F of a Feedback Amplifier by Virtual Connection Concept

    利用 概念分析反馈放大电路的拆环问题

  • The performances of various queueing models in the virtual channel connection of ATM communications network are analyzed in the second part of this paper .

    文中第二部分分析了ATM通信网 通道 连接中不同排队模型的性能。

  • Click virtual private network connection and then click next .

    单击“ 虚拟专用网络 连接”,然后单击“下一步”。

  • The format translation between ATM cell and IP packet the address resolution between ATM address and IP address and the signalling system setting up virtual channel connection are discussed .

    讨论IP协议数据格式与ATM信元格式之间转换方法、ATM地址与IP地址映射方法及利用信令系统建立 通路 连接传输IP业务的方法。

  • These connections can be divided into two types : permanent virtual connection ( PVC ) and switched virtual connections ( SVC ) .

    这些连接分为永久型 连接(PVC)和交换型虚连接(SVC)。

  • For the former the paper analyzes the sources of redundant constraints and proposes the determination and elimination of redundant constraints based on virtual connection graphs .

    对于前者,分析了冗余约束来源,提出了基于 虚拟 连接图的冗余约束判定和消除方法。

  • In the proposed system a WLAN transmitter with only one antenna can form virtual antenna array through network connection in the pattern of cooperation to achieve spatial diversity .

    该系统将具有单一天线的WLAN终端通过网络 连接以合作方式形成 虚拟天线阵列实现空间分集。