


  • Fig4.No one would be interested in pouring vitriol on the car you will buy .

    你买的车别人也不会泼 硫酸的。

  • He is a writer who has often been criticized by the press but never before with such vitriol .

    他是个经常被新闻界批评的作家,但以前从未有如此 尖刻的批评。

  • The corrosion behavior of sintered NdFeB in nitric acid hydrochloric acid vitriol phosphate and oxalic acid was studied .

    研究了烧结钕铁硼在硝酸、盐酸、 硫酸、磷酸及草酸介质中的腐蚀特征。

  • Use waste vitriol 、 quadratic aluminum dust as stuff to produce alumina for printing ink was described in this paper .

    本法是以 含铝硫酸、次铝灰为原料生产油墨用氧化铝的方法。

  • Simply the hydrate is a compound containing water molecules and secondary school textbooks mentioned on the alum gypsum and blue vitriol are the most famous hydrate .

    简单地来说,水合物是含有水分子的化合物,中学课本上提到的明矾、石膏和 蓝矾等,都是最著名的水合物。

  • This paper reveals a novel magneto-optic recording characteristic of Indium Bismuth Calcium Vitriol Iron Garnet ( In-BiCaVIG ) crystals in high power microwave ( HPM ) field .

    报道了铟铋钙钒铁石榴石(In BiCaVIG)晶体在高功率微波场中的新颖磁光记录特性。

  • Much later after the divorce and the vitriol I agreed to see him again .

    在离婚和 恶语相加后过了好 一阵,我同意再见他一次。

  • Determination of Vitriol Fog In Gaseous Pollutant by Using Microwave Dissolution and Ion Chromatography

    微波消解-离子色谱法测定气态污染物中 硫酸

  • Behind the vitriol is intense competition .

    在这些 冷嘲热讽的背后,是激烈的竞争。

  • The vitriol seems to fire up a hardcore of voters but Moore argues that the vast majority even those who would never call themselves liberals want stronger environmental laws lower executive pay and troops brought home .

    这种 刻薄 似乎 到了选民们的痛处,但摩尔辩称,绝大多数美国人(即便是那些从未自称为自由主义者的人)都希望加强环保法律,降低高管薪酬和从海外撤军。

  • He has been no stranger to controversy and vitriol during a tumultuous political career .

    在起伏不定的政治生涯里,他对争议和 讥讽 早已 习以为常

  • Blue vitriol ie copper sulphate Alum will settle turbid water .

    胆矾 硫酸铜).明矾可以澄清浊水。

  • After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment exposed to the corrosive action of copperas green vitriol and nutgall .

    写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、 绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。

  • Second question-I usually use following simple com in one liter of hot not boiled water two soap spoons of copper vitriol and one soap spoon of fixing agent mixed and than filter .

    第二个问题,我通常用以下简单的组成:在一升热水(而不是开水)中两皂粉勺 硫酸铜和一皂粉勺的固色剂(定影液),混合并过滤。

  • The vitriol he hurled at members of the press knew no bounds

    他对媒体的 尖刻 抨击 没完没了

  • On the pilot digestor hydrothermal degradation ( HTD ) experiments of lawn-grass by the catalytic action of di-lute vitriol and no additional catalyzer were carried out .

    在小型湿解实验装置中,对草坪草进行了加稀 硫酸催化和不加任何催化剂的湿解实验。

  • Much of the vitriol is reminiscent of previous cases in which nationalist sentiments have been stirred up over foreign investors ' attempts to take over Chinese companies .

    许多 刻薄 言辞令人想起了之前的一些案例:外国投资者收购中国国有企业的意图激发了中国人的民族主义情绪。

  • Mixed messages are still coming out of washington ; but the vitriol has gone .

    不同意见的信息继续源源不断从华盛顿传来,但 尖酸刻薄 话语已经荡然无存。

  • There is an alternative view of the controversy that the government has not bothered to control the patriotic vitriol on the Internet because anti-foreign sentiment can only bolster its domestic standing .

    关于这一争议还存在另外一种观点,即政府没有费心去控制互联网上爱国的 煽情言论,因为反外情绪只会稳固其国内地位。

  • Phenylalanine is not easy to nitrify so it is necessary to add in a little vitriol oil .

    苯丙氨酸不易硝化,需加少量 硫酸后才能够发生黄色反应。

  • Fundamentally Goldman has lost the ability to neutralise the vitriol which greets its every move .

    从根本上讲,高盛已失去了“中和”自己一举一动所遭遇的 尖酸 言论的能力。

  • He looks so unassuming it 's hard to imagine one person could have unleashed such vitriol and such a bitter nationwide debate .

    他似乎不带任何启示性,让人很难想象一个人能激发如此的 尖酸刻薄 批评,如此在全国范围的严厉争论。

  • It was more of a response from some of the vitriol I 've seen tossed at him throughout his career in regards to not meeting lofty expectations .

    这可能是个更好的评价,我见过很多 尖酸 评价,因为他的职业生涯没有达到人们过高的期望!

  • Purification of altai ammonia etching Wastewater by using vitriol ferrous ;

    报告了碱氨 蚀刻废液处理方法的试验研究。

  • His attack on the government was pure vitriol .

    他纯粹 恶意抨击政府。

  • Vitriol leaves a permanent scar .


  • It 'll continue to grow and prosper ; if we can manage our xenophobia and vitriol we can help shape their future through dialogue pop culture and commerce .

    它会继续发展和繁荣,如果我们能搞定我们的排外和 刻薄,我们可以通过对话、流行文化和商业来帮助塑造他们的未来。

  • After processing the settling is close the vitriol flower is big settling rate quick is propitious to sludge dewatering processing ;

    产品 反应处理后的沉淀物紧密、 花大,沉降速度快、有利污泥脱水处理;

  • A salt of zinc hydroxide such as Zn ( OH ) 2 . cyprian vitriol

    盐一种含氢氧化锌的盐,例如 氢氧化锌Zn(OH)2

  • Need to clean it with the liquor of oil of vitriol and the cadmium acid kalium when you first clean and must clean over five times from inner to exterior .

    初洗时要用 硫酸 镉酸钾的溶液进行清洗,里外要清晰5遍以上。