VM 's TRACE command offers a convenient way to debug the entire Linux system .
It was developed by IBM but is unrelated to IBM 's other mainframe operating system VM .
它是由国际商用机器公司(IBM),但与IBM的其他主机的操作系统、 虚拟 机。
All user configuration data will also be collected and saved to VM configuration ISO file .
所有用户配置数据也将被收集并保存到 VM配置ISO文件中。
Technically the VM can run any program that can be installed in the operating system .
从技术角度讲, VM 通常能够运行安装在操作系统中的任何程序。
Deploying all VM deployment tasks stored in a folder .
部署存储在文件夹中的所有 VM部署任务。
The NFS client was also started on each RAM Node to attach to the Storage Mount VM .
NFS客户端也在每个附加到StorageMount VM的RAM节点中启动。
It initiates the necessary VM deployments and configures the middleware and application .
它启动了必要的 VM部署,并配置了中间件和应用程序。
Red Hat introduced the libvirt library as an API for managing platform virtualization ( hypervisors and VMs ) .
RedHat引入了libvirt库作为管理平台虚拟化(hypervisor和 VM)的一个API。
They could also use an AXP Virtual Blade a VM which basically emulates AXP hardware .
他们还可以使用一个AXP虚拟刀片机,一个基本上模拟AXP硬件的 虚拟 机。
A connector is a JDI abstraction used to establish a connection between a debugger application and a target VM .
连接器是一个JDI抽象,用来在调试器应用程序和目标 VM之间建立连接。
Multiple applications and components share a single virtual machine ( VM ) that implements the Java specifications .
多个应用程序和组件可以共享一个实现Java规范的虚拟机( VM)。
Instead the consumer provides a VM image that is invoked on one or more virtualized servers .
客户提供一个 VM镜像,该镜像在一个或多个虚拟服务器上被调用。
LDAP : A shared VM in the system for a user directory .
LDAP:系统中一个用于用户目录的共享 VM。
JNI : it requires data separation so all strings / bytes would have to be copied .
JNI:JNI要求 本地 数据 与 VM数据分离,因此所有的字符串、字节都要进行复制。
In a VAP however you are not allowed to change any configurations in the deployed VM .
然而,在VAP中不允许您在部署的 VM中更改任何配置。
This implementation assumes that your chosen VM and hardware have the required capacity to support this workload .
该实现假定选择的 VM和硬件具有支持这个工作负载所需的容量。
Multiple instances of the event handler may be active while variables VP and VM have only one instance .
事件处理程序可能有多个实例处于活动状态,而变量VP和 VM只能具有一个实例。
Both solutions do provide separation between the library and the VM .
这两个方案都提供了库和 VM的分离。
A VM instance can attach its network adapter to a virtual network through this port .
一个 VM实例可通过此端口将它的网络适配器附加到一个虚拟网络。
The jmap command-line utility prints memory-related statistics for a running VM or core file .
jmap命令行工具为运行中的 VM或核心文件打印与内存有关的统计信息。
You can even try out some of the freeware VMs like Xen and KVM .
您甚至可以尝试一些免费的 VM,比如Xen和KVM。
In the ideally managed VM memory and CPU are on the same bus .
在理想的托管 VM中,内存和CPU位于同一个总线上。
At runtime the variables VP and VM have only one instance per process instance .
在运行时,每个流程实例只能具有变量VP和 VM的一个实例。
SR-IOV provides the means to virtualize a physical adapter to be used by multiple guest VMs .
SR-IOV提供了对被多个访客 VM使用的物理适配器进行虚拟化的方法。
The sample implementation of this article uses a VMware server as the VM hypervisor server .
本文的样例实现将使用VMware服务器作为 VM管理程序服务器。
Copying the VM template files to a target hypervisor .
将 VM模板文件复制到目标管理程序。
When you want to boot a VM you choose the machine type and an AMI .
当您想要启动一个 VM时,您选择机器类型和一个AMI。
abbr.Velocity Meter 速度计