The man went away by his own volition .
这男人靠自己的 意志去的。
I didn 't ask him to go ; he went of his own volition .
我没有要求他去,他 是 出于 自愿的。
Every volition has a special motive which varies according to taste .
每一 决断都有其特定的动机,并随个人品味之异而异。
It is highly unusual for the forces of Heaven to so directly interfere with man 's destiny but Tyrael was said to act of his own volition .
这种现象极度的不寻常,天堂的力量很少这样直接干预人类的命运,但是泰瑞尔说这是靠他自己的 意志 决定的。
Remember Our line has always guard with courage and volition .
记住,我们的先人一直都是以勇气和 意志 在保护着 王国。
The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition . Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder by Self-cognition
我国的知识分子绝大多数是 自觉自愿 地为社会主义服务的。社交焦虑障碍:自我认知偏倚与疾病的发展
The indeterminists say another volition might have occurred in its place ;
非决定论者说,可能出现的是取而代之的另一 意志;
Teachers play a part on their own volition as the role of supervisor in the process of education supervision .
在教育督导的过程中,教师 不是 被动 地 接受 而是 主动地参与了督导,并且具有 督导者的角色身份。
There seems no pattern to the attack no volition to the men .
进攻看上去没有一 点 章法;士兵看上去没有一 点 斗志。
We all experience various types of experience including perception imagination thought emotion desire volition and action .
我们都经验到各种不同类型的经验,包括知觉,想象,思想,情感,欲望, 意志和行为。
( physiology ) controlled by individual volition .
(生理学)由个人 意志控制的。
Motivation interest and sensibility constitute the dynamic system of innovation while volition and character are its reliable guarantee .
动机、兴趣和情感共同构成创新的动力系统, 意志和性格则是创新的可靠保证。
From the unconscious one also fails to take responsibility for their life . ( physiology ) without volition or conscious control .
由于无意识,你也无法为你的生活负责。(生理学) 不是有 意识或有意识的控制。
We like to think that everything we do and everything we think is a product of our volition
我们常常认为我们所做和所想的一切都 出自自己的 意愿 。
The minister wished it to be known that he had left the cabinet of his own volition .
那位部长希望公众知道他是自己 决定离开内阁的。
I have not volition enough left to dot my eyes much less to comb my eyebrows .
我 无意点我的眼睛,更谈不上梳我的眉毛。
It is not something that you can do through any effort will or volition of yours .
这不是你可以通过任何努力和 意志能做到的。
Any man worth his salt wants to get there on his own volition .
每个 称职的男人都希望通过自己的 努力来获得成功。
The overwhelming majority of our intellectuals serve socialism of their own volition .
我国的知识分子绝大多数是 自觉自愿 地为社会主义服务的。
He gave up acting of his own volition .
他 决定放弃采取行动。
He felt as though he were in the grip of Fate and had no volition of his own .
他感觉自己好像被命运掌控,毫无 自主 选择 的 余地。
Leave of your own volition . it 's simpler .
交给你自己的 意志,那要更简单。
Makin said Mr Coombes had gone to the police of his own volition .
梅金说 库姆斯先生是 主动去投案的。
From the aspects of aim motive psychology and volition discusses the cultivation of undergraduates ' non-intelligence factor .
从目标、机、态和 意志 品质 4个方面探讨了对大学生非智力因素的培养。
( physiology ) without volition or conscious control .
(生理学) 不是有 意识或有意识的控制。
Martial education is an important means to exercise volition and enhance national defense notion .
提出军事教育是锻炼 意志,提高国防观念的重要手段。
What will open the door is not your volition or desire .
打开门窗的不是你的 意志和期望。
The courts may do this of their own volition .
在这一点上,法院可以有自己的 判决 标准。