


  • This is because our level of being is determined by our volitional actions by whether they are skill or unskillful not by whether or not we feel good while performing those actions .

    这是因为我们存在的水平是由我们 有意 选择 的行为决定的,取决于它们是灵巧的还是笨拙的,而不取决于我们是否在做那些行为时感觉良好。

  • Paying Attention to the Fostering of Students ' Volitional Character in Physical Education

    体育教学中应重视学生 意志品质的教育

  • The fourth aggregate is the sankhara-khandha the aggregate of volitional formations .

    第四蕴即为行蕴( sankhara-khandha),也就是有动机的 造作的聚集体。

  • The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society .

    爱国行为是 自觉自愿的、具有利他 的、 具体的社会行为。

  • The image consists in our rational volitional affective faculties and in our bodies .

    的形象存在于我们的理性、 意志,和情感的能力中,也 存在于我们的身体内。

  • If one engages in meritorious deeds the sankharas or volitional formations will propel consciousness toward a happy sphere of rebirth .

    假若某人行福德事,那麽该行或者说“有动机的 造作”将会把意识推向喜乐的重生域界。

  • Vital capacity is a nonspecific volitional and relatively insensitive method for the measurement of strength .

    肺活量测量是一种非特异性的、 主观影响、且相对不敏感的 简便 实用方法;

  • Analysis of Scalp Potential Activity and Heart Rate Variability during Volitional Control of Heart Beat


  • The internal factors include the learning motivation learning strategies and volitional quality . The connection between the Junior and Senior High Schools teachers and families belong to the external factors .

    其中,既有学习动机、学习策略、 意志品质等内部因素,也有初高中衔接问题、教师及家庭等外部因素。

  • Subjective offence determination from the defense of human cognitive and volitional factors combined with the actual case analysis .

    主观罪过形式的认定应从防卫人的认知及 意志因素入手,并结合实际案例进行分析研究。

  • Wish is the volitional factor in direct intention while Allow in indirect intention .

    希望是直接故意 犯罪 意志因素,而放任是间接故意的 意志因素。

  • Given certain volitional actions certain results will follow .

    给某些 造作 ,某些结果将跟进。

  • Consider this : Scientists have shown that unconscious electrical processes in the brain precede our conscious decisions to perform volitional spontaneous acts .

    看看这个:科学家发现我们大脑中有个无意识的电流过程促使我们在做出有意识的决定之前就产生有 意志的、自发性的动作。

  • In this text the psych verbs of 《 Shi Shuo Xin YU 》 are divided into emotional verbs cognitive verbs and volitional verbs from the angle of the psychology .

    本文将《世说新语》中的心理动词从心理学的角度分为情绪类心理动词、认知类心理动词和 意志心理动词,并对这 类心理动词进行了 简要的分析。

  • This peace is achieved when the existing volitional formations are pacified and the conditions for the production of new ones are eradicated .

    这种和平的实现存在 意识结构的被平静,而新的再生的条件被根除。

  • Belief is the organic combination of cognitive emotional and volitional processes ;

    信仰是知、情、 心理过程有机结合的 心理 状态

  • Now for the second time Kaka awed the world with his distinctive skills and volitional quality .

    又一次,卡卡用自己出众的球技和 坚强 意志震惊了世界。

  • Physical Education at College with the Cultivation of Students ' Volitional Characteristics

    高校体育教育与学生 意志品质的培养

  • The Buddha explains nirvana as the unconditioned ( asankhata ) mind a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the production of volitional formations .

    佛陀把涅盘解释为“先天的”精神( 极乐世界),一个心灵已经达到了完美的洞察力和清晰而 意识的构成已停止运作。

  • And the comparisons among different grades show that the level of volitional control of junior middle school students is distinctly higher than that of the senior middle school students .

    年级差异比较表明,初中生的 意志控制水平明显高于高中生;在初中三个年级间和高中三个年级间没有明显的差别。

  • Every miller draws water to his own mill . The patriotic act is an altruistic and volitional behavior in the society .

    ((谚))人人为自己的利益着想或行事。爱国行为是 自觉自愿的、具有利他 的、 具体的社会行为。

  • It reveals that the Pre-existence Condition and the Strong Volitional Condition only operate in English but not in Chinese .

    分析表明,先存条件和强 意愿 条件只适用于英语中动构成,但在汉语中不起作用。

  • During the painting process learners not only possess talent power of understanding but also show great interest in painting with stable volitional and psychological quality .

    在学习绘画的过程中,学习者不仅要具备良好的天赋和悟性,更需要对绘画有浓厚兴趣、有良好的 意志 品质和稳定的心理素质。

  • The law of karma refers to the law of cause and effect : that every volitional act brings about a certain result .

    业的法则是指的是因果法则:每个 意志行为带来了一定的效果。

  • Very few people have sufficient levels of volitional or self control such that they will not choose to harm others in the process of choosing actions which will benefit the self .

    很少人在做利己选择的时候能有 坚强 意志或是自我控制 在同时不去伤害他人。

  • Of or relating to exercise of the will ; volitional .

    意志 的与行使意志 有关的; 由于 意志的。

  • Definition and Semantic Extraction of Volitional and Non-volitional of Adjectives It refers to the unclear boundaries of words .

    形容词的 自主和非自主性界定及义项提取语言模糊性指语词所指范围的边界不确定的属性。

  • Up to a point Prof Goldstein 's results make sense . belief is the organic combination of cognitive emotional and volitional processes ;

    到此为止,哥尔斯坦教授的实验结果都合情合理。信仰是知、情、 心理过程有机结合的 心理 状态

  • Mental health means that it can be adapted to the present developing environment bears the perfect individual characteristics can be in an active state of cognition emotional response and volitional action and has the normal capability to control the state .

    心理健康是指能够适应当前和发展着的环境,具有完善的个性特征,认知、情绪反应、 意志行动处于积极状态,并保持正常的调控能力。

  • Chapter Three : Wish and Allow the volitional factor in the criminal intention . This chapter is to study Wish and Allow in criminal intention .

    第三章希望和放任&犯罪故意中的 意志因素探讨的是犯罪故意中的希望和放任。