voice register

[vɔɪs ˈrɛdʒɪstɚ][vɔis ˈredʒistə]

[医] 声域,音域

  • The choice of voices in English is related to many factors because the alternation between the two voices passive voice and active voice can change the focus of the sentence and can influence the coherence or the register of the context .

    英语语态的选择涉及多方面的因素,因为 语态的变换会改变句子的语义中心、影响上下文的衔接或 语域等。

  • A head voice derived from the theory of voice register of Bel Canto is closely associated with the emergence and the development of the theory of voice register .

    “头声”一词脱胎于 美声学派的 理论,与声区理论的形成和发展密切相关。

  • He was unable to specify whether it was the flight data recorder or the cockpit voice register which had been recovered .

    他不能够说明找到的 黑匣子是飞行数据记录仪呢还是驾驶舱内的 语音录音机。