


  • Violate any applicable laws or regulations .


  • Detectives are still searching for those who violated the graveyard .

    侦探们仍在搜捕那些 亵渎 墓园的家伙。

  • I have a proof that there are electrodynamic phenomena which violate the law of energy conservation .

    我有一个证明,有些是 违反了能量守恒定律电动现象。

  • Engage in other behaviors that violate laws administrative regulations and rules governing business management .


  • Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality

    核武器似乎 违背了正义战争的罚当其罪原则。

  • These men were violating her family 's privacy .

    这些人 侵犯了她的家庭隐私。

  • What happens if we lie cheat steal or violate other ethical standards ?

    如果我们说谎了、骗人了、偷盗了、 违背其他伦理准则了会如何?

  • If you violate the rules here we shall have to dismiss you from the post .

    如果你 违反了这里的规定,我们将不得不开除你。

  • Moreover this policy will violate the people 's natural propensity .

    而且, 如果采用这一政策,也会和人们的自然倾向 违背

  • Can they be allowed to violate rules and regulations at will ?

    难道能容许他们随心所欲地 破坏规章制度吗?

  • The council has violate the plan regulations .

    该委员会 违反了规划条例。

  • He said they violate the law against patents for products of nature .

    他说,这 违反了反对自然产品获得专利的法律规定。

  • This is because it calls internal methods that may violate the integrity of the application that you 're testing .

    这是因为它调用了内部的方法,这种方法可能 干扰您测试的应用软件的完整性。

  • The individual privacy in making public party reality to live violate its privacy right ;

    公开当事人现实生活中的个人隐私, 侵犯其隐私权;

  • By eating me you will violate the command of Heaven .

    你要吃了我,就违抗了 天帝的命令。

  • Violate any laws including any laws regarding unfair competition discrimination or false advertising ;


  • War crime Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war .


  • I 'm committed not to violate the rules .

    我有义务不 违反规定。

  • I dare not violate traffic rules any more .

    我再也不敢 违犯交通规则了。

  • If I were going to violate the law then I ought to get something out of it .

    就是我将来 触犯法律的话,我也应该从中有所得。

  • I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered .

    我必不 背弃我的约、也不改变我口中所出的。

  • They violated the ceasefire agreement .

    他们 违反 停火协议。

  • Obviously if you violate your technical specifications violate your requirements you have violations .

    明显地,如果你 违反了技术规格,违反了你的研究,违例了。

  • This would violate rules about what the ECB can accept as collateral .

    这将 违反有关欧洲央行可以接受哪些东西作为抵押品的规则。

  • How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by1992 ?

    直到1992年以色列 违反了多少联合国决议?

  • Consequently the adoption of that declaration did not violate any applicable rule of international law .

    因此,该宣布之采用,不 违反任何国际法适用规定。

  • Questions of this kind violate my rights and I am not willing to answer them .

    这类问题 侵犯了我的权利,我拒绝回答。

  • But they must not violate the provisions on differentiated jurisdiction and special jurisdiction in this Law .

    但不得 违反本法对级别管辖和专属管辖的规定。

  • They went to prison because they violated the law

    他们 触犯 法律,因此坐了牢。

  • The policies of the Bush and Obama administrations violate the do no harm principle .

    布什和奥巴马政府的多项政策,都 违反了“不造成伤害”原则。