virtual machine

[ˈvɚtʃuəl məˈʃin][ˈvə:tjuəl məˈʃi:n]


  • With Linux operating system images you normally connect over SSH to the virtual machine .

    有了Linux操作系统映像,您通常通过SSH连接到 虚拟

  • Each virtual machine has private virtualized hardware such as a network card disk graphics adapter etc.

    每个 虚拟 都有各自的虚拟硬件,比如网卡、磁盘和图形适配器等。

  • The operating system or application can run natively or as a virtual machine on the client operating system .

    操作系统或应用程序可以直接运行,也可以作为 虚拟 在客户机操作系统中运行。

  • Microsoft 's workflow foundation and JBoss jBPM 's Process Virtual Machine extract the common foundations for runtime process environments .

    微软的工作流基础和JBossjBPM的过程 虚拟 为运行时过程环境抽取了一个共同基础。

  • The operating system that runs inside a virtual machine is called the guest operating system .

    虚拟 内运行的操作系统是所谓的客户 操作系统。

  • This is one of the reasons why we decided to create the Process Virtual Machine ( PVM ) technology .

    这是我们决定创建流程 虚拟 (PVM)技术的原因之一。

  • Recently a modification to the kernel was made called the Kernel-based Virtual Machine ( KVM ) .

    最近,对内核进行了修改,称为基于内核的 虚拟 (KVM)。

  • In this example the virtual machine agent is running Ubuntu .

    在此示例中, 虚拟 代理运行的是Ubuntu。

  • You can use add-ons to augment the hardware and OS configuration of a virtual machine .

    附件可用于扩大 虚拟 的硬件和OS配置。

  • Research on Virtual Machine Applied in the Operating System Teaching

    虚拟 技术在操作系统教学中的应用研究

  • After the activation engine and activation scripts are installed on the template virtual machine new instances automatically self-configure .

    在模板 虚拟 中安装了激活引擎和激活脚本之后,将自动地自我配置新的实例。

  • This is called a virtual machine because it 's been designed for implementation in software rather than hardware .

    它被称为 虚拟 ,因为它被设计成用软件来实现,而不是用硬件来实现。

  • They are disallowed access to system and virtual machine applications .

    他们不得访问系统和 虚拟 应用程序。

  • The Java Virtual Machine now manages garbage collection rather than the system .

    现在由Java 虚拟 (而不是系统)管理垃圾收集。

  • In essence the Java Virtual Machine ( JVM ) becomes the network operating system .

    本质上,Java 虚拟 变成了网络操作系统。

  • Because you are converting a physical system to a virtual machine the device-image type is the better choice .

    由于您要将一个物理系统转换为一个 虚拟 ,因此device-image类型是最佳选择。

  • Through these operations the user can manage and monitor the virtual machine .

    通过这些操作,用户可以管理和监视 虚拟

  • Multiple applications and components share a single virtual machine ( VM ) that implements the Java specifications .

    多个应用程序和组件可以共享一个实现Java规范的 虚拟 (VM)。

  • Without specialized tools or a running virtual machine a VHD file is essentially a black box .

    没有特别的工具或运行中的 虚拟 ,VHD文件基本上是个黑盒。

  • VMWare host and Virtual Machine performance statistics were also captured .

    还捕获了VMWare主机与 虚拟 性能统计数据。

  • Inferno logically mirrors Java by including a virtual machine programming language and communications protocol .

    Inferno包含了 虚拟 、编程语言和通信协议,故在逻辑上是Java的镜像。

  • Its core has even already been implemented within a Java virtual machine namely that of Apache Harmony .

    其核心甚至已经在Java 虚拟 中实现出来了,也就是ApacheHarmony。

  • Assign specific IP and hostname values to each virtual machine in the system .

    给系统中的每个 虚拟 分配特定的IP和主机名。

  • The JVMPI is a bidirectional interface between a Java virtual machine and an in-process profiler agent .

    JVMPI是一个在Java 虚拟 和性能分析代理之间的双向接口。

  • These actions include creating and managing virtual machine instances storage volumes and IP addresses .

    这些操作包括创建和管理 虚拟 实例、存储卷和IP地址。

  • By starting with a virtual machine that already contains an installed operating system .

    以一个已经安装了操作系统的 虚拟 作为基础。

  • For example if a virtual machine operating system crashes applications in other virtual machines continue to run .

    例如,如果一个 虚拟 的操作系统崩溃了,那么其他虚拟机中的应用程序将可以继续运行。

  • The first system emulation sets up a complete virtual machine .

    第一种,系统模拟,安装完全的 虚拟

  • The license disallows users to install or uninstall mobile applications and access to system and virtual machine applications .

    许可证不允许用户安装或卸载移动应用程序以及访问系统和 虚拟 应用程序。

  • Use the VLAN ID returned and the other information above in the ic-create-instance command to create the virtual machine .

    使用返回的VLANID和上面ic-create-instance命令中的其他信息创建 虚拟