


  • With the advantage of low porosity and strong viscoplasticity the salt caverns can be used to storage carbon dioxide absolutely .

    盐岩溶腔由于其孔隙率低、 强等 物理 力学 特性,完全可以用来进行二氧化碳储存。

  • Finite element analysis of the viscoplasticity of soft-rock tunnel deformation

    软岩巷道变形的 有限元分析

  • In this paper the theory of viscoplasticity is applied for the analysis of sea ice loads and a mathematical creep model under uniaxial stress condition is generalized to a triaxial formulation .

    本文将 性理论用于海冰荷载分析,并将 现有的一维蠕变方程推广到二维形式,采用 非线性 有限 方法计算了作用在一单桩结构上的最大静冰力。

  • Viscoplasticity Analysis in Cement-soil Dynamic Tests

    水泥土动态试验中的 分析

  • Solution of deformation force in hot extrusion with viscoplasticity model

    热挤压变形力的 模式解

  • A constitutive description for nonproportional cyclic viscoplasticity of 316L stainless steels

    对316L不锈钢的非比例循环 本构描述

  • Magnetorheological ( MR ) fluids have the properties of both viscosity and viscoplasticity .

    磁流变液具有粘性和 流体特性。

  • Have introduced Maxwell model and Kelvin model in the classical model of viscoplasticity theory .

    介绍了 弹性理论经典模型Maxwell模型和Kelvin模型。

  • Rigidity - viscoplasticity finite element analysis of hot extruded steel pipe

    热挤压钢管刚- 有限元分析

  • The coupling of consolidation time step and viscoplasticity time step can guarantee the program 's stability and precision .

    考虑了固结 计算时步与 时步的耦合,以保证程序 计算的稳定性与精度。

  • Soft rock would display the characteristics of elasticity and viscoelasticity under low stress of elasticity plasticity and viscoelasticity under higher stress and of elasticity plasticity viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity under very high stress .

    软岩在低应力 水平下表现为弹性和粘弹性;在较高的应力水平下表现为弹性、塑性和 弹性;

  • Based on viscoplasticity creep constitutive model the settlement creep deformation law of a highway roadbed in Zhejiang Province is analyzed by FLAC software .

    基于 蠕变本构模型,应用FLAC软件对浙江某高速公路的蠕变沉降变形规律进行了分析。

  • Advances in elasticity plasticity and viscoplasticity analysis with hybrid / mixed finite elements by microcomputer VICTOR-9000 at FECAL of SWJTU are presented .

    本文介绍作者利用VICTOR-9000微机进行杂交/混合有限元弹性、塑性 & 分析工作的一些情况。

  • This paper deals with the solution method of rate-version viscoplasticity field equation .

    提出 介质率形式本构方程的一种积分求解方法。

  • Stability analysis of soil foundation by the use of generalized viscoplasticity

    地基稳定性的广义 分析

  • Model . an oriented-element theory for anisotropic viscoplasticity of polycrystalline metals

    多晶金属弹 的取向元模型

  • Analysis of fuzzy elasto - viscoplasticity for spherical . Shell

    球壳的模糊弹 性分析

  • The viscoelasticity and viscoplasticity of bonding material will result in hysteresis and drift errors to sensor output .

    黏合材料的黏弹性和 将会导致传感器输出的滞后和漂移误差。

  • One dimensional optimal strain paths of the nonlinear viscoelasticity and the viscoplasticity

    一维非线性黏 弹体 中的最优应变路径

  • In this paper stability of soil foundation is simulated by means of analytical limit analysis in which generalized viscoplasticity is introduced by augmented Lagrangian technique .

    通过增广拉格朗日法将广义 引入极限分析,对土质地基的稳定性进行模拟。

  • Based on the constitutive realtion of elastic viscoplasticity the incremental functional is de-rived by means of non-linear functional analysis theory in this paper .

    本文在弹 动力本构模型的基础上,利用泛函分析理论导出 动力学 问题的增量泛函。

  • Viscoplasticity is still in a formative stage .


  • Plastic dashpots reflecting the material transient response and Newton dashpots mirroring the material viscosity are introduced to describe the viscoplasticity of slip systems .

    在晶体滑移系上引入与材料即时响应有关的塑性阻尼器及与材料粘性有关的牛顿阻尼器以计及材料滑移系的 特性

  • Parametric Quadratic Programming Method for Viscoplasticity


  • The Investigation on the Deformation of Thermal Elastic - viscoplasticity with Dislocations

    含位错的热弹 性变形的研究

  • With direct B.E.M.the boundary integral equations of soil for elastoplasticity viscoplasticity cluding creep and temperature stress are researched and soluted .

    本文采用直接边界元法,研究了土的弹塑性、 (含蠕变)及温度应力等非弹性状的边界积分方程求解摸式。

  • Also included are two computer programs developed to incorporate elasticity plasticity and viscoplasticity analysis with compatible and with hybrid / mixed finite elements .

    文内还附有两个程序(可用于弹性、塑 & 塑性单 变量 位移协调元及多 变量杂交/混合有限元分析)的 说明 框图

  • Using thermodynamic coupling finite element method the paper built up three dimension viscoplasticity large deformation model which used in condition of upsetting before stopping considering geometric non-linear and material non-linear .

    采用热力耦合有限元方法,针对先顶后刹制动方式下的摩擦焊过程建立了三维 有限元大变形计算模型,综合考虑了 焊接过程中的几何非线性、材料非线性。