virtual earth

[ˈvɚtʃuəl ɚθ][ˈvə:tjuəl ə:θ]


  • ◆ Study status and related techniques of virtual terrain environments are discussed in terms of 3DGIS ( Three-Dimensional Geographic Information System ) the digital earth the virtual reality and so on .

    ◆从三维地理信息系统、数字 地球、虚拟现实等角度,探讨 虚拟地形环境的研究现状与相关技术。

  • Three-dimension virtual geographic environments ( 3D-VRGE ) are base platform for the digital earth .

    可量测三维 虚拟地理环境是数字 地球应用的基础平台。

  • This site was created with Microsoft Virtual Earth a set of services for building intelligent Web applications that enable businesses to better serve you with locally relevant information .

    微软 虚拟 地球致力于构建一系列智能网络服务,使得用户能够更方便有效的获取本地相关信息。

  • Simulation of Virtual Sea Battlefield Environment Based on Digital Earth

    基于数字 地球 虚拟海战场环境仿真

  • A study of architecture designing and interactive techniques of Web 3D Virtual Terrain Based on Digital Earth

    面向数字 地球的网络三维 虚拟地形结构设计和交互技术研究

  • Virtual Reconstruction of Historic blocks Based on Google Earth

    基于Google Earth的历史街区 虚拟重建技术研究

  • An object locating model in Virtual Earth Observation System

    航天对 观测 虚拟系统中的目标定位模型

  • Using maps on websites is becoming increasingly common and people frequently use free services like Google Maps Microsoft Virtual Earth and Yahoo !

    在网站上使用地图日益常见,并且人们常常会使用免费的服务,比如GoogleMaps、Microsoft Virtual Earth和Yahoo!

  • De - virtual cyberspace by digital earth

    基于数字 地球的非 虚拟信息空间

  • In a word the virtual land simulation which could describe the3-D terrain scene of the earth surface is established by virtual technology and based on the digital map .

    虚拟地景仿真中对地形的仿真以及对 地物的仿真是两个倍受关注的研究热点。

  • The whole spatial information likes ' one computer ' through virtual interface provided by digital earth platform although they are not visible mutually .

    虽然它们之间互不可见,但通过数字 地球平台提供的 虚拟 的接口,使得整个空间信息如同一台计算机一样。

  • Virtual Reality technology which is one of the key technology in Digital Earth is very important in the research on Digital Ocean and Digital Port .

    虚拟现实技术作为数字 地球的关键技术之一,同样在数字海洋及数字港的研究中有着非常重要的作用。

  • XBMC Earth is now a Google Maps and a Microsoft Virtual Earth Client for XBMC .

    XBMC地球现在是谷歌地图和微软 虚拟 地球客户端XBMC。

  • Digital watershed is a virtual watershed which can visualize real watershed status in multi_dimension by computer_based geographic spatial data . And it is an important part of digital earth .

    数字流域是以地理空间数据为基础,具有多维显示和表达流域状况的 虚拟流域,是数字 地球的重要组成部分。

  • Map object ( using data from Bing Maps / Virtual Earth ) which can be combined with2d and3d primitives

    Map对象使用来自Bing地图或 虚拟 地球的数据来合成2维和三维图像

  • Study on Virtual 3D Earth and Small Scaled Cartography

    虚拟 地球下的小比例尺制图研究

  • Virtual technology for technical support of virtual practice in the new space opened up a human practice unprecedented heaven and earth and the human activities of the expanded to a new unknown .

    以虚拟技术为技术支撑的 虚拟实践活动在全新的空间开辟了人类实践前所未有的 天地,把人类实践活动的范围扩大到一个新的未知领域。

  • Several factors contributes to the damages on control equipment such as the bad grounding of power supply and signal cables virtual earth and utilizing installing bracket as grounding etc.

    引起热控设备损坏的原因有电源及信号电缆接地不良、 及利用安装支架作为接地等情况。