Objective To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of malignancies of vulva .
目的分析 外阴原发性恶性肿瘤的临床和病理特征。
The Quantity of Mast Cells and the Substance P Expression and Their Significance in Vulva Nonneoplastic Epithelial Disorders
肥大细胞、P物质在 外阴上皮内非瘤样病变中的表达及意义
Analysis on the Vulva Vagina Infection of 96 Girls and Health Care Measures
小儿 外阴阴道炎临床分析及预防保健
Clinical study of point-injection medicine in the treatment of white lesions of the vulva
穴位注射治疗 外阴白色病变临床研究
〔 Methods 〕 Clinical data of 60 cases with metastatic carcinoma of vulva were retrospectively analyzed .
〔方法〕对60例 外阴转移性癌临床资料进行回顾性分析。
Objective To summarize the treatment result of the vulva vaginal candidiasis complicated by a gestation and its relapse .
目的总结对妊娠合并 外阴阴道念珠菌病的治疗效果及复发情况。
As a result of leucorrhoea grow in quantity often can cause vulva Sao to itch or eczema .
由于白带增多,常可引起 外阴瘙痒或湿疹。
The vulva pruritus mild case patient 's pruritus is a discontinuity some only occur after at night escapes the clothes to go to bed ;
Solitary fibrous tumor of vulva : a clinicopathologic analysis of a case and review of literature
Some advocate using a blow dryer on warm to briefly blow dry the vulva after bathing to insure adequate drying .
有些主张使用吹风机暖一简单吹干洗澡后, 外阴干燥,以保证足够的。
Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva creating the new urethral meatus .
现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从 会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。
Conclusion Photothermic therapy provides a safe effective and scatheless way to white lesions of the vulva .
结论光热治疗为 外阴白色病变的治疗提供了一种安全、有效、无损伤的治疗方法。
It is a good idea to check your own vulva regularly to detect any changes to the skin .
这是一个好主意,检查自己的 外阴定期检测的任何变动都需要皮肤。
Your vulva will be examined to see if there are any lumps or unusual areas of skin .
您的 外阴会研究,看看是否有任何肿块或不寻常的领域的皮肤。
To investigate the clinical effect with white lesions of the vulva after ultrasound treatment .
通过对超声治疗 外阴白色病变的临床研究,评价其疗效。
Experience in TCM-WM treatment for 58 cases of vulva POINT CONDYLOMA
中西医结合治疗 外阴尖锐湿疣58例
SenileWoman skin is dry take off bits to produce the Sao urticant disease that includes vulva inside very easily .
老年妇女皮肤干燥脱屑很容易产生包括 外阴在内的瘙痒症。
Color yellow or olivine sticks thick or assumes the foaming state has the stink mostly for vagina inflammation result is most common by the infusorium vaginitis has the vulva titillation .
色黄或黄绿,粘稠或呈泡沫状,有臭味,大多为阴道炎症所致,其中以滴虫性阴道炎最为常见,多有 外阴搔痒。
Often clean vulva and anus : when cleaning should pay attention to order wash again genital washing first anus must not exactly the opposite ;
经常清洗 外阴和肛门:清洗时要讲究顺序,先洗外阴再洗肛门,切不可反其道而行之;
Methods A total of309 patients with carcinoma of vulva were analyzed retrospectively .
采用回顾性研究的方法,对 309 例外 阴癌的临床治疗结果进行分析。
Conclusion : Malignant melanoma of the vulva and vagina have poor prognosis .
结论: 外阴及阴道恶性黑色素瘤预后不良。
Located internally below the rectum the reproductive tract includes the vulva vestibule vagina cervix uterus oviducts and ovaries .
生殖道位于身体内部直肠下方,包括 外阴、前庭、阴道、宫颈、子宫、输卵管和卵巢。
Many for mycotic vaginitis 's typical phenomenon often is accompanied by the serious vulva titillation .
多为霉菌性阴道炎的典型现象,常伴有严重的 外阴搔痒。
They had a pain and drying and atrophy in the vulva and vagina .
结果 盆腔外 照射 组患者出现 外阴干燥、疼痛、阴道萎缩较粒子 植入 组明显。
Third has senile vaginitis which the menopause later the elderly women will appear as well as vulva 's some questions .
有绝经以后老年妇女出现的老年性阴道炎,以及 外阴的一些问题。
Clinical data of 105 cases with lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of the vulva were analysed .
本文分析了105例 外阴硬化萎缩性苔藓的临床资料,探讨了病因。
Objective To investigate the curative effect and nursing of ultrasound treatment for white lesions of the vulva .
目的:探讨超声治疗 外阴白色病变的疗效观察与护理。
Iontophoresis of Chinese Medicine on the White Lesions of Vulva Clinical Observation
中药离子透入法对 萎缩 型 外阴白色病变的临床观察
Purpose To study the relationship between vulva dystrophy and sexual hormone receptor .
目的:研究 外阴营养不良与性激素受体的关系。
Surgery : This is the main treatment for cancer of the vulva .
手术:这是主要的治疗癌症的 外阴。