video disc

[ˈvɪdiˌo dɪsk][ˈvidiəu disk]


  • Design of aspheric lens for optical head of video disc player


  • Earlier this year the Sanderling Resort Spa in Duck N.C. launched an ' Everlasting Memories ' package with a family photo shoot and a YouTube video of the session ( a disc of images is guaranteed within a week ) .

    今年年初,北卡罗来纳州达克市(Duck)的SanderlingResortSpa水疗度假村推出了永恒回忆服务,包括一张全家福和一部YouTube 视频(一周内可拿到影像 光碟)。

  • A DVD can store over two hours of video on one layer of the disc .

    一张DVD能在 磁盘的一个记录层上储存两个多小时的 视频 信息

  • The metadata standard which was drawn by the Ministry of Science and Technology and CALIS management center altogether contains 11 kinds of basal resources but as one important kind of library resource the compact disc ( non-sound video frequency compact disc ) was not contained among them .

    在科技部及CALIS管理中心制订的元数据标准中,共包含了11种基础资源,但光盘(非音 视频 光盘)作为图书馆的一种重要资源,并不包含其中。

  • Survey of the Development on Video Disc Systems

    电视 唱片的发展述评

  • Standard digital video disc ( DVD ) techniques and its developmental prospects ( Part 1 )

    标准数字 视盘(DVD)技术及发展前景(连载Ⅰ)

  • The data houseware of plant biology can be gained by these ways : downloading from Internet scanning from paper prints collecting from video disc and developing by oneself .

    多媒体教学资料可从互联网下载、文字和图片扫描、 光盘采集和自己制作等多种途径进行构建。

  • On the basis of analyzing the students requirements and peculiarities making use of digital camera scanner video frequency condensable card and computer to create a disc for teaching urethral catheterization .

    该课件在分析学生需求及特性的基础上,利用数码相机、扫描仪、 视频压缩卡、计算机等设备将导尿术教学内容制成 光盘

  • Just as the digital video laser disc the DVD ( digital video disc ) possess such merits as high precision large capacity high speed high definition and high quality tone .

    DVD 光盘具有信迹细,精度高,容量大,速度快, 画面清晰度高和声音音质好等特点。

  • But high def takes up more memory so a new kind of dvd digital video or versatile disc was needed .

    但是高清要占用更多的记忆空间,因此需要新型的影碟,比如数字 视频 光碟或者数字多功能 光碟

  • AIM : To develop the teaching video compact disc ( VCD ) Diabetic Retinopathy so as to improve the traditional ophthalmic teaching mode .

    前言:目的:研制《糖尿病性视网膜病变》教学 VCD,改进传统教学模式。

  • Firstly the thesis expounds the compressing and encoding technology of the video & audio in MPEG-1 standard and discusses the format of MPEG-1 data and the way of error-rectifying on digital disc playing system .

    本文先阐述了MPEG-1 视频、音频压缩编码的技术原理,探讨了MPEG-1数据流的格式以及 光盘播放系统的纠错技术;

  • With the development of the high-density TV and high-density video programs the traditional optical disc such as DVD can not meet the need of the high-density video programs .

    随着高清电视和高清 视频节目的发展,传统的 DVD已经无法满足高清视频节目的需要。

  • DVD video can let the viewer decide the rating range or parental guidance thanks to preprogrammed scene cuts on the disc itself .

    由于 光盘本身具有预编图幅剪辑,DVD 影像能让观众决定其等级、范围或是否需要父母的指导。

  • In the educational telefilm making the process of teaching through the multiple media will often be taken and made into video tape and disc .

    在电视教学片的摄制实践中,常常要把一些运用多种媒体教学的过程拍摄下来,制作成 录像带或 光盘,广为传播。

  • The sub-micron circular features of Compact Disc Video Disc and Optical Disc are usually produced by laser cutting machine .

    声盘、 视盘及光盘的亚微米圆弧线一般通过激光刻录机光刻制造。

  • The Video Capture System of the Video Disc Player Based on the USB

    基于USB20传输接口的 影碟机视频采集系统

  • A method of Video Compact Disc Encryption Used in Small Video Workstation

    小型视频工作站实现VCD 视频 光盘加密一法

  • Digital video disc ( DVD ) and its applications

    数字 视盘(DVD)及其应用

  • Therefore a CVD means a Digital Video Disc .

    因此CVD的意思是数字 视频 光碟

  • With the continuous development of digital video computer network and multimedia technique Digital Broadcasting Network based on hard disc and hi-tech must be the main stream .

    基于优质安全播出及持续发展的需要,再加上数字 视频技术、计算机网络技术和多媒体信息技术的不断发展, 硬盘和高自动化的数字播出网络必将成为主流。

  • DVD Video Disc Pirate Phenomenon Analysis and Countermeasure of Our Country ; You will submit the paper on a zip disk with the clips and on paper .

    我国DVD 影碟盗版现象分析及对策缴交论文时,请用包含著剪辑图像的压缩碟和书面论文两种方式。

  • The effort follows a year of bitter competition between three local high-definition video disc standards a period enhanced versatile disc supporters compare with China 's war-torn Three Kingdoms era in the third century AD.

    此前一年间,三种国产高清晰 影碟标准展开了激烈竞争,EVD支持者将这段时期比作公元3世纪战火纷飞的三国时代。

  • This paper analyzes the application or DSA Bus in Video Compact Disc system design .

    详细介绍了DSA总线协议及在 VCD设计中的广泛应用。

  • This will bring up the selection window where you 'll choose which video file you want to burn to disc .

    这时会有一个选择对话框,在那里请你选择你所要烧录的 视频 片子

  • Traditional video coding techniques have been widely adopted in numerous products and services such as TV broadcasting video conferencing mobile TV and Blue-ray Disc .

    传统的视频编码技术已经被广泛应用于众多的产品和服务中,例如广播电视、 视频会议、移动电视和蓝光 DVD等等。