


  • Design of Videotex Broadcasting System Based on Data Carousel

    基于数据轮播的 图文 电视广播系统设计

  • The research and exploitation of three dimension strata information system establish corresponding data-base and videotex information system for geotechnical engineering .

    三维地层信息系统的研究开发为岩土工程建立了相应的数据库和 可视化信息系统。

  • The testing research on videotex seismic emergent communicate office system


  • As a public oriented information propagation service videotex has a huge potential market in China . Public Oriented Business Operation Support System for Visual Communication

    作为一项面向公众的信息传播业务, 可视 图文在我国有着巨大的潜在市场。面向公众视讯业务的运营支撑系统

  • On the bases of the analysis of the parameter and the empirical equation the structure and the parameter of high pressure water jet are simulated using the tools of visual software and videotex system and the necessity and the feasibility of visual computer simulation are therefore demonstrated .

    在分析射流参数解析解的基础上,结合前人提出的有关经验公式,利用可视化软件工具和 可视化 图形工具,对高压水射流的射流结构和射流参数进行可视化模拟。

  • In the DCL interface graph data videotex has been realized by using standard three - dimension object model stamp parameter has also been introduced .

    在DCL界面利用标准结构的三维实体模型实现图形库的 可视化原型图的参数化引入了特征参数。

  • In videotex the US Department of Agriculture 's service for farmers .

    可视 图文 系统中,美国农业部为农民提供服务的系统。

  • Market Demands and Service Forecast for Videotex in China

    中国 可视 图文 业务市场需求及业务预测

  • Design of compatible Chinese-English videotex terminal based on special-purpose network

    在专用网上实现的中西文兼容 Videotex终端的设计

  • Study on GIS and PIS Mutual Compositive Videotex EC Mode

    关于 可视化EC模式的研究&基于GIS与PIS互嵌集成的EC模式设计

  • On wavelet processing Videotex Tecnology and Programming Method

    子波处理方法的研究 可视 图文技术与编程方法

  • This paper evaluates the data communication services being or having been developed on public built in our country such as E-Mail videotex and EDI etc.

    评介了在我国组建的公用 分组数据网上已经 开放和正在开发的数据通信新业务,如电子邮箱、 可视 图文、电子数据交换等。

  • Research on Videotex System


  • In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page .

    可视 图文 技术中,用来重点突出一页的某一部分。