


  • The right-protection and assistance of criminal victims is a heated problem in the research of victimology at present .

    刑事被害人的权利保护和救助问题是当前 被害人 理论研究的热点问题。

  • As well many related basic theories among criminology criminal law science criminal policy victimology and so on are commented through the research .

    其中 包含 互动论、系统论和 结构论等哲学 辩证观念,并涉入到 传统的犯罪学、刑法学、刑事政策学和 被害人 等学科中诸多的基础理论问题。

  • Victimology is a new science developed in the fifties of the twentieth century .

    被害人 是20世纪50年代形成的一门新兴学科。

  • We need to look at the specific victimology .

    我们得研究特定的 受害者

  • With the development of criminal victimology research of victims ' rights protection especially of economical interests has been paid more and more attentions .

    随着 被害人 的兴起,刑事被害人的权利保护尤其是经济权益的保护正日益受到广泛重视。

  • World Society of Victimology

    世界 受害者 研究 学会

  • The category of the research on victimology includes the natural person the corporation and the state infringed directly by criminality .

    被害人 的研究范畴 应当是直接遭受犯罪侵害的自然人、法人(单位)、国家。

  • Courses include interpersonal communication victimology correctional ethics and various aspects of criminal justice .

    课程有人际交流、 被害者 研究、修正道德以及涉及司法的许多领域。

  • As in 1973 the First International Symposium of victims ( The International Symposium on Victimology ) held in Jerusalem in Israel on the victims victimology and victims of crime and other issues of human relations has begun to attract national attention .

    随着1973年,第一届国际被害人 研讨会(TheInternationalSymposiumon Victimology)在以色列耶路撒冷的召开,关于被害人、被害人学以及被害人与犯罪人的关系等问题开始引起各国的广泛关注。