The feeling one has for his lover during wakefulness may be blotted out or intensified by sleep .
一个人在 清醒 时对其爱人的感情也许为睡眠所抹掉或者在酣睡之中变得更加浓烈了。
This is the sort of mixed-up mental state I am familiar with from bouts of wakefulness at three in the morning .
这是我所熟悉的一种头脑不清的精神状态,在凌晨三点 失眠 时多次出现。
The team was looking for a natural clock in the body that controls sleep and wakefulness .
团队在身体里寻找自然的钟,可以控制睡眠和 不眠 症。
Insomnia early-morning wakefulness or excessive sleeping ;
失眠,清晨 觉醒,或者嗜睡;
It regulates arousal wakefulness and appetite .
它能调节你的 觉醒 状态和胃口。
Stimulant : any drug that excites any bodily function ; usually one that stimulates the central nervous system inducing alertness elevated mood wakefulness increased speech and motor activity and decreased appetite .
兴奋剂:能兴奋机体功能的药物。通常指刺激中枢神经系统的兴奋剂,用于警醒,改善心情, 提神 消 倦,增加言语和运动能力,以及控制食欲。
It is state of mind in between wakefulness and dream .
它是一种 内在 的 认知状态,与 潜意识 和 深层意识 相关联。
Wakefulness is often the result of bad sleep habits .
睡不着往往是 来源 于不良的睡眠的习惯。
They were tested hourly for either wakefulness or motor skills .
每隔一小时, 科学家 们都 会测试他们 是否 清醒、 操作技能 如何。
Therefore we must repeatedly nudge or prod our Root Selves into wakefulness with our thoughts and awareness making it the compass and center of our every activity .
所以,我们必须以我们的思想和觉知“再三轻推”或“催促”我们本心进入 警醒,使它成为我们每个活动的指南针和中心。
Sleep interrupts wakefulness and sleep itself is interrupted by dreams and nightmares .
睡眠中断 清醒,而睡眠本身又被美梦和噩梦所搅扰。
Conclusions : The frequency of clinical seizures and the epileptiform discharges during wakefulness and sleep were basically identical .
结论: 颞 叶癫痫的临床发作频率和痫样放电频率在 清醒和睡眠 时期基本相等。
Sleeping longer than you need to will weaken your sleep system as you reduce your prior wakefulness exposure to sunlight activity levels and your body temperature at a low for too long .
睡得比你所需应该睡的时间长了会减弱你的睡眠系统,当你降低了你先前的 觉醒 度,暴露于阳光中,你的活动水平和你的身体体温都处于低水平太久。
Most conclude that the purpose of sleep is rest and recovery from the wear and tear of wakefulness .
人们大都认为睡眠是为了从 非 睡眠 状态下的疲倦和劳累中 得到休息和恢复。
The energy increase may then power restorative processes absent during wakefulness because brain cells consume large amounts of energy just performing daily waking functions .
那么能量的增加可能为 清醒 时所缺乏的恢复过程提供了动力。因为大脑细胞仅在执行各种日常觉醒功能时就要消耗大量的能量。
Recent studies on humans have shown that the amount of artificial indoor light to which people are exposed per day can resynchronize the body 's cycle of sleep and wakefulness .
最近有关人类的研究显示每天人们暴漏在的人工室内光线的总量可以重置人体的睡眠和 清醒周期。
He raised his head and the cold bitter reality jarred him into wakefulness .
他抬起头来,这个冷酷、痛苦的现实,使他猛地 清醒了。
You have to force your sleep addled brain into wakefulness move your stiff legs and retrieve the key before the alarm goes off .
你必须强迫你的睡眠混乱的大脑进入 觉醒,移动你的僵硬的腿和检索密钥之前报警熄灭。
In your aloneness you have watched with our days and in your wakefulness you have listened to the weeping and the laughter of our sleep .
当您寂寞的时候您看着我们每日生活,当您无 眠的时候您倾听我们睡梦中的哭泣和欢笑。
Effects of intracerebroventricular injection of thyrotropin-releasing hormone on wakefulness and sleep in rats
侧脑室注射促甲状腺激素释放激素对大鼠睡眠- 觉醒的影响
I was jolted into wakefulness by a bright light .
我被耀眼的亮光猛地 弄 醒。
The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep .
失眠症患者,这种病人在他想睡觉时经常 特别 清醒。
Protein in meals stimulates wakefulness while carbohydrates promote sleep .
食物中的蛋白质使 人 兴奋,而碳水化合物使 人 易于 入睡。
The feeling one has for his lover during wakefulness may be ( blooded out ) or intensified by sleep in either case the feeling changes .
一个人 清醒时对爱人的感觉会因睡眠 减少或增加,但那感觉都改变了。
Researchers have theorized that sleep may restore some chemical that is drained during periods of wakefulness .
一些研究人员提出的理论认为,睡眠可以恢复 人在不睡觉 时失去的某些化学 物质。
Through generations stress has effectively enhanced human survival because of its specific traits that jog your wakefulness and develop bodily functions .
代代相传,压力有效的加强了人类的生存能力,因为其特殊的特性能慢慢推动你的 觉醒和增强身体机能。
Process C : Maintains our wakefulness during the day .
以及C进程:在白天 让我们保持 清醒。
A neurotransmitter associated with voluntary movement sleep and wakefulness .
一种神经递质与自主运动、 睡眠有关。
Through burned out eyes tormented mind moribund in that fuzzy area between sleep and wakefulness he watched the pulsating digits of the clock ticking over .
透过烧毁的眼睛,折磨奄奄一息的心在这模糊区之间的睡眠和 清醒,他观看了脉动数字时钟滴答。
A light snack at bedtime can promote sleep but too much food can cause digestive discomfort that leads to wakefulness .
临睡前吃点儿零食可以帮助睡眠,但进食太多就会引起消化道不适而造成 失眠。