war bond

[wɔr bɑnd][wɔ: bɔnd]


  • Interest on a war bond in 1941 was roughly 2.9 per cent on a 10-year maturity not so different from today .

    1941年,10年期 战争 债券的利率大约是2.9%,与今天差别不大。

  • Roughly half of the cost of the Second World War to the US was met by income tax increases and the rest by bond issuance to a populace already hard pressed by deprivations of the 1930s Depression .

    美国 二战的支出约有一半来自提高所得税,其余部分则来自向民众 发债,虽然30年代的大萧条已经让民众深陷窘境。

  • Now in the Second World War every bond between man and man was to perish .

    可是,在第二次世界 大战中,人与人之间的一切 关系都消失了。

  • War bond debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war .

    战争 债券政府发行的债务证券,目的在于在战争时期筹集军费。