Recently with tap water and washing machines are widely used the color fastness to chlorinated water of cotton fabrics dyed with reactive dyes which are frequently washed faces a new requirement .
近年来,随着 自来水和洗衣机的普及,对经常洗涤的以活性染料染色为主的棉类纺织产品的 耐氯化水色 牢度提出了新的要求。
This paint is very water resisting property and washing fastness and its surface is as smooth neat and bright as porcelain .
该涂料有很强的 耐水性及耐洗 擦 性,涂面光滑整洁,光亮似瓷。
The preparation of IPN water-borne PU / PA binder and the influence of different proportion to tensile strength elongation at break crocking fastness water and dust absorbency and soaping fastness are all introduced in this paper .
介绍了水性PU/PA的IPN涂料印花粘合剂的制备方法,及其不同配比对拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、摩擦牢度、 吸水性、吸尘性、皂洗 牢度的影响。
In the experiment of dye fastness the dyeing of wastewater has reached good results indicating that in relation to the color characteristic of fabric the different qualities of water have litter effect on fabric dye fastness .
在织物的染色牢度测试中,回用水的染色均达到了较好的效果,说明相对于织物的颜色指标, 水质的不同品质对于染色 后织物的 牢度 指标影响比较小。
It has been showed that this method is comparable with the conventional one in TP analysis of water and wastewater samples with the characteristics of fastness accuracy and cost saving .
测定结果表明与经典方法具有可比性,并具有操作简单、 快速 省时、节省成本、测定准确的特点。
Evaluation of the water fastness of the dyed fabric showed the dyed wool silk nylon PET have good washfastness to laundering .
染色纤维的 水洗 牢度测试表明,染料在羊毛、丝绸、尼龙、涤纶有较好的水洗牢度。
Of tea dyestuff . The K / S values water washing fastness and abrasion fastness of the dyed fabrics were tested .
对染色后织物的K/S值、 水洗 牢度、摩擦牢度做了测试。
Furthermore a comparison between water and CO2 dyeing results of PET in relation to the dye uptake and the fastness properties is presented .
另外,在上染率和 牢度方面比较了 水和CO2对PET染色结果的影响。
美[ˈwɔtɚ ˈfæstnɪs]英[ˈwɔ:tə ˈfæstnɪs]
[化] 耐水牢度, 耐水色牢度