water feeder

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈfidɚ][ˈwɔ:tə ˈfi:də]


  • Determination of water irruption feeder by using anisotropy of seismic wave

    用地 震波的各向异性确定矿井突 通道的研究

  • After the mixing tests of the concrete taking two kinds of macadam with different water absorptions as the batch feeder this paper concludes that the water absorption of macadam can influence the mixture ratio of the high grade concrete and gives some concrete parameters .

    经过对两种吸水 不同的碎石作为 配料的混凝土进行试拌试验后,得出碎石吸水率会影响高标号混凝土的配合比的结论,并给出具体的参数。

  • Administration of boiler by auto supply water additive steaming and combustion-support technology automatic feeder for brine

    全自动 补水加剂注气助燃技术对锅炉的治理盐水溶液自动 补给

  • In water filter feeder fishes were cultured and fed by the fish excrement from the net pen thereby the filter feeder fishes 's yield was increased to 4.29 times ;

    水中,放养滤 食性鱼,利用网箱的鱼粪排出为饵料,水中鱼类增产4.29倍;

  • For this deep water net cage farming use feeder to develop and will fill up local blank .

    为此, 深水网箱养殖用 投饵 的研制将填补国内空白。

  • The closed loop soft water cooling system for the RH refining furnace is consist of surface evaporative air cooler degassing tank the device of stabilizing pressure and making up water and automatic medicine feeder etc.

    RH精炼炉软水密闭循环水冷却系统由表面蒸发式空冷器、脱气罐、循环水泵、定压 补水、自动 加药 装置等组成。

  • This paper introduces how to deal with an analog quantum in the S7-200 PLC that be used in water treatment equipment-powder lot feeder .

    介绍了 S7-200PLC处理设备 上的应用,并重点介绍模拟量的处理。

  • In the hot water system a high water tank with solenoid valve controlled water feeder is used to replace the secondary circulating pump .

    热水系统中,采用电磁阀根据水箱液位进行 补水,省去二次循环泵。