The larva is ingested by a water flea ( cyclops ) where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks .
幼虫通过 水蚤(剑水蚤属)进入人体,在那里发育并在两周后具有感染性。
The essay reported the testing method and results of toxicity research of the pesticide to a water flea Daphnia Magna .
本文报道了新杀菌剂叶青双对 水蚤毒性的测定方法和结果。
Observation of Internal Texture of Live Water Flea
The growth condition of ? Polypedates megacephalus ? Tadpoles were observed when fed respectively with algae egg yolk water flea and eel fodder .
以藻类、蛋黄、 水氵 蚤和鳗鱼饵料为饵料饲喂斑腿泛树蛙蝌蚪,观察其生长情况。
The compositions of fatty acids of water flea Daphnia pulex cultured in liquid of Banta ( 1.5 g cow dung ; 2 g rice straw ; 20 g good soil ; 1000 ml water ) bread yeast and Chlorella sp. were determined by GC / MS.
在Banta液(牛粪1.5g+干稻草 2g+沃土20g+ 水1000ml)、酵母、小球藻三种培养条件下,比较研究了 蚤状的脂肪酸组成。
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