wage earner


  • A year at an average private university in the US equals almost a year 's income for the average wage earner while an in-state public university costs about 6 months ' pay .

    在美国,中等私立大学每年所需费用,基本等同于美国平均收入 1年的 工资,而本州的公立大学开销则约等于6个月收入。

  • Too many companies still view men as the primary wage earner : younger women are there to look pretty and older women to do the drudgery .

    太多企业仍然将男人视为主要 雇佣 劳动者:较为年轻的女性是为了充当花瓶,而年纪较大的女性则去做那些脏活累活。

  • The government exacts taxes from every wage earner above a certain level of income .

    政府向每个 工资 收入超过一定水平的 征税。

  • Light snacks with good taste at low prices wage earner 's Best choice to match the quick life tempo .

    简便快餐,价廉味美, 工薪 阶层快节奏生活的选择。

  • Income may be lost as the result of the death disability or unemployment of a family wage earner .

    家庭中 工资 可能由于死亡、失劳动力或失业而使这个家庭失去收入。

  • Wages enclosed in an envelope for distribution to the wage earner .

    分发 工资 时装工资的信封。

  • You are the sole wage earner .

    你是 唯一 挣钱

  • You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer .

    你不能通过从 工资的 那里直接 抽取 金钱援助 工薪 阶层

  • I don 't want to set the Thames on fire . I 'm satisfied just to be an ordinary wage earner .

    我不想轰动一时。我 只当一名 工资 吃饭 就心满意足了。

  • Regular wage earner The nurse was full of thought for the sick men .

    经常有 工资 收入的人士那护士非常关怀病人。

  • As long as a couple is compatible it doesn 't matter who is the larger wage earner .

    只要夫妇和睦相处,谁 更多钱并不重要。

  • Are you a wage earner or salaried ?

    你是 工人还是职员?

  • The average wage earner in China squirrels away a quarter of annual income .

    中国 工薪 阶层一般会将年收入的四分之一用于储蓄。

  • In some families the woman is the sole wage earner .

    在某些家庭中妇女是惟一 工资

  • He is the sole wage earner in his family .

    他是家中唯一 工资的人。

  • She 's the main wage earner in the family .

    她是家里的主要 工资 来源

  • Since the new law touches upon the interests of every wage earner this warning has sparked heated discussion in different newspapers . Let 's follow XXX to take a close look .

    由于新合同法涉及到每个 工薪 的利益,这种预言在 全国各报刊上引起激烈的讨论,让我们和X一起关注一下这个问题。

  • He pointed out that the minimum wage is not just going to teenagers ; the average age of a minimum-wage earner is 35 .

    奥巴马指出,不只是年轻人在领最低 工资,领最低 工资的人群的平均年龄是35岁。

  • The wage earner postpones purchases or grades down his buying when uncertain about his future Support Ordering of maintenance components and equipment under guidance from Investment buyer .

    工资 收入 在其前途未卜时就推迟购买或减少购买。在投资采购员的指导下支持零件和设备维修的采购工作。

  • Families in which the woman is the sole wage earner have to cope with many social and financial pressures .

    女人 赚钱 养家的现象 必要遭受不少社会上和经济上的双重压力。

  • Li Shanshan is a typical wage earner .

    李珊珊是典型的 工薪 一族