vote through

[vot θru][vəut θru:]


  • His attack compounded the confusion that has engulfed EU policy after the Czech leader lost a no confidence vote in the country 's parliament on Tuesday forcing him to offer his government 's resignation midway through its six-month EU presidency .

    此举加剧了令欧盟政策备受困扰的混乱局面。此前,这位捷克总理在本周二该国议会上遭遇不信任 投票,被迫 为期6个月的欧盟轮值主席任期 中途为其政府提交辞呈。

  • The vote will enable the Prime Minister to push through tough policies

    这次 投票将使首相能够力 强硬政策。

  • You can vote once through the online voting system for your favorite entries . ( Vote once only per person . )

    通过网上投票,以一人 一票选出最受网友欢迎之歌曲。

  • They had promised to vote for him in the election but in fact they didn 't go through with it .

    他们允诺在选举 中投他的 ,但事实上他们没有 履行诺言。

  • Believe you 'll sit together as soon as possible early negotiated earth human society reunification problems and to vote through this major proposal .

    相信你们一定会尽快尽早坐到一起来协商实现地球人类社会统一大业问题并予以 表决 通过这一重大提议。

  • Last year they formed the overseas vote foundation a nonprofit nonpartisan group devoted to cutting through the bureaucratic tangle for voters abroad .

    去年,他们还成立了一个海外 选举基金会。这是一个非盈利、超党派的组织,主要致力于为选民排除官僚 纠葛的干扰。

  • The investment is a vote of confidence in Bank of Ireland the only Irish bank that has fought off majority government control through rights issues and capital restructurings .

    这次配股是对爱尔兰银行 下的一次信任 。该行是爱尔兰仅有的一家 通过配股和资本重组摆脱政府多数控股的银行。

  • Many Americans would no doubt vote for her if she made it through the primaries .

    总之,只要巴克曼能 通过初选,无疑会有很多选民 一票

  • This article will protect the interests of minority shareholders the right to vote to exclude one of the system for the study . Firstly through the analysis of the connotation of exclude voting power this article points out the theoretical basis of voting power are excluded .

    本文将保护小股东利益之一的 表决 排除制度作为研究对象。本文首先 通过对表决权排除制度的基本内涵的分析,论述表决权排除制度的理论基础。

  • A client ( voter ) could then typically be referred to the vote server only through a link from a well-known static address such as a school-supplied Web page .

    客户机(投票者)通常可以从一个知名的静态地址(例如学校提供的主页)上的链接重定向到 投票服务器上。

  • And this year in this election she touched her finger to a screen and cast her vote because after 106 years in America through the best of times and the darkest of hours she knows how America can change .

    今年,在这次选举中,安妮的手指轻触电子屏幕,投下自己的 一票。她在美国生活了106年, 其间有最美好的时光,也有最黑暗的时刻,她知道美国能够变革。

  • The opposition says he won the vote through widespread fraud .

    反对党说 通过普遍存在的欺诈赢得了 选票

  • Under the stock right share system dormant shareholders could not only actually participate in company operation and management but also enjoy their right to vote for stock right management and disposition through co-owners ' resolution .

    而在股权共有制度下,隐名股东 通过共有人决议不仅能够实际参与到公司的运营管理,对股权的管理与处分也享有自己的 表决权利。

  • Shareholders have the right to vote but not to nominate directors except through a difficult process requiring them to mail shareholders at their own expense .

    股东有 选举 ,但没有董事提名权,除非 通过一项需要他们自己花钱通知股东的艰难程序。

  • He does not trust the vote as the principal mechanism through which one establishes popular will .

    他不相信 选举是确认民意的主要机制。

  • Chicago Illinois : People queuing to vote viewed through a US flag .

    伊利诺伊州,芝加哥: 透过一面美国国旗观察正在 投票的人们。

  • A pure industrial holding company is a firm which possesses subsidiary company 's Shares with right to vote by a large majority and controls his subsidiary company through the subsidiary company 's Board and Shareholder meeting .

    纯粹型产业控股公司是指公司拥有子公司 决定性 表决权的股份, 通过股东大会和董事会行使控股权,它本身不从事产业的生产经营;

  • As for the white women although they were granted the right to vote in 1920 through their efforts they were not treated equally in many fields such as opportunities for employment education and housing etc.

    虽然白人妇女 通过艰苦的斗争最终赢得了 选举权,她们还是不得不在就业、教育、住房等方面遭到严重的歧视。

  • Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through .

    国会议员被警告如果他们的 投票 通过可能会带来不良影响。

  • The opposition parties boycotted the recent lower-house vote but the ruling coalition 's majority in the upper chamber has allowed the bill to scrape through and become law .

    尽管反对党抵制了法案在下议院的 投票 表决,但执政联盟在上议院中占大多数,所以法案才勉强 通过成为法律。