Intercoastal Lumber Voyage Charter Party
沿海木材 航次 租船 合同
It may be divided into three types : voyage charter party time charter party and bare boat charter party .
租船 合同 是 租船 运输 中 签订 的 合同,可以分为 航次 租船 合同、定期租船合同和光船租赁合同三种类型。
But a voyage charter party format contract is not everything . In practice the charterer and lessee directly select chartering format contract or its partially sign chartering contract also exist certain flaws .
然而 航次 租船格式合同并不是万能的,在实践中租船人和承租人直接选择使用租船格式合同或其部分条款签订租船合同也会引起一定的法律风险。
International Tanker Voyage Charter Party Ships can sail round the world .
国际油轮 航次 租船 合同轮船能做环球航行。
Legal Analysis on the Last Voyage under Time Charter Party
定期 租船 合同下最后 航次的法律分析
A voyage charter party format contract can improve the trade activities efficiency economize the contracting time and cost and improve the flexibility of trade .
航次 租船格式合同可以提高贸易活动的效率,节约缔约的时间和费用,提高贸易的灵活性。
If the clauses of the voyage charter party are incorporated into the bill of lading the relevant clauses of the voyage charter party shall apply .
但,提单中载明适用航次租船 合同条款的,适用该 航次 租船合同的条款。
Maritime law and Contract law are both applicable to the international voyage charter party and maritime law is prior to Contract law herein .
国际 运输 航次 租船 合同中《海商法》与 《合同法》都适用,《海商法》优先。
Analysis of lien clause in voyage charter party
航次 租船中的留置权条款
Grain Voyage Charter Party 19661966
年谷物 航次 租船合同
Regarding Voyage Charter Party there are various of contract forms in the practice such as GENCON ASBATANKVOY AUSTRAL etc.
对于 航次 租船,实务中采用的格式合同有很多,诸如金康合同、油轮航次租船合同、澳大利亚谷物租船合同等。
A fundamental breach of contract may occur during the performance of the voyage charter party .
在 航次 租船 合同的履行过程中,可能会出现一 方违约的情形。
On Total Calculation of Laytime under Voyage Charter Party
论 航次 租船 合同中装卸时间的统算
Exception Clause and Warranty Clause of Voyage Charter Party in Connection with the Demurrage Liability
航次 租船 合同有关滞期责任的除外条款和保证条款
There are six section they are the outline the contract of liner shipping voyage charter party the contract of carriage of goods by water COA and the multimodal transport contract .
包括六节内容,即海上货物运输合同概述、班轮运输合同、 航次 租船 合同、水路货物运输合同、多式联运合同和包运合同。
When we discuss the problems of incorporation clause we should first know the conceptions of bill of lading and voyage charter party .
探讨航次 租船 合同条款并入提单这一命题,应首先从提单和 航次 租船 合同等基本概念入手。
After all the pace of the maritime law modified should be speed up and charter business matching system of laws and regulation should be perfected for settling the disputes occurred in a voyage charter party .
另就航次 租船 合同的法律规制来讲,应加快我 国《海商法》修改的步伐并完善与租船业务相配套的法律法规体系,以使 航次 租船合同纠纷的解决可以 有法可依。
Problems about last voyage usually happen under time charter party .
最后 航次问题是 定期 租船中一个常见的问题。
Disputes on demurrage related to bill of lading under voyage charter party ; It may not include any allowance for expenses or commissions in connection with the issuance of the insurance policy .
航次 租船 合同下与提单有关的滞期费纠纷但保险公司签发保单时所付出的费用或佣金,则未必会计算在内。
Due to a voyage charter party format contract itself and the parties concerned business level and negotiation ability of constrains a format contract may bring various trade risks .
由于 航次 租船格式合同本身的缺陷和当事人业务水平和谈判能力的限制等原因,在使用中往往会给租船各方当事人带来种种贸易风险。
A voyage charter party is an important form of the contract in currently shipping chartering .
航次 租船 合同是目前航运租船合同的一种重要形式。
The voyage charter party as an agreement between the parties attaches much importance to the autonomy of will on the issue of canceling right .
航次 租船 合同作为当事人协商一致的产物,在解约权问题上更加注重当事人的意思自治。
The first section of the dissertation studies the lawful grounds that entitle the parties to cancel a voyage charter party respectively under Chinese law and English law .
论文第一部分分析了中英两国关于 航次 租船 合同解除问题的法律框架。
Study on the Application of Contract Law to Voyage Charter Party
合同法对 航次 租船 合同适用之研究
Grain Voyage Charter Party Chatterer must be responsible for demurrage .
谷物 运输 航次 租船 合同谷物 运输 航次 租约租船人必须对滞期负责。
International Tanker Voyage Charter Party
国际油轮 航次 租船 合同国际油轮船东油污联合会
美[ˈvɔɪɪdʒ ˈtʃɑrtɚ ˈpɑrti]英[ˈvɔiidʒ ˈtʃɑ:tə ˈpɑ:ti]