We should design merit pay system make wage policy choices according to strategy pay attention to the incentive of internal pay pay attention to communication on the pay-design and let staff involve in the design of pay system and management so that enterprise will lead market .
应从设计业绩工资制度、根据战略要求选择 工资政策、注重内在薪酬的 激励作用、关注薪酬设计的沟通交流及让员工参与薪酬制度的设计与管理等方面着手制定薪酬策略,提高企业 人力 资源 激励 效率。
Post benefit wage system and incentive piecework system both are incentive staff 's business wage distribution methods .
岗效 工资制和 激励计件工资制是两种能够激励员工的企业工资分配办法。
Efficiency wage is a kind of incentive compensation system which the enterprise or other organizations pay the employees much higher than the market clearing levels .
效率 工资,就是企业或其他组织支付给员工的比市场出清水平高得多的 工资以促使员工努力工作的一种 激励薪酬制度。
The theory will be of significance to the reform of wage system and building of the incentive mechanism of our country 's enterprises especially national enterprises after joining WTO .
这一理论对我国加入WTO后,我国企业特别是国有企业的 工资制度改革及 激励机制的建设具有重要的借鉴意义。
The integrated use of the incentive and remuneration theory learn from the advanced experience of other enterprises designed to wage job skills-based pay system and the coexistence of other forms of incentive knowledge workers incentive system .
综合运用了激励和薪酬理论,借鉴了其他企业的先进经验,设计了以岗位技能 工资为基础的薪酬体系和其他 激励形式并存的知识型员工激励体系。
Human resources management mode under internationalized competition consists of systematic mechanisms like post analysis assessment selection & staffing training development wage incentive etc.
国际化竞争要求下的人力资源管理模式,是包括职位分析、考核测评、选拔配置、培训开发、 薪酬 激励等的系统性机制。
The wage is a main incentive resource of enterprises at present .
工资是目前企业的主要 激励资源。
Lastly are the rising expenses of manufacturing in emerging economies linked mainly to wage rises that may reduce the incentive of companies to put production in these places where other options are available .
最后的一个原因是新兴经济体的生产成本日益上升,主要受 工资上涨 推动,这可能降低企业在有其他选择的情况下,将生产基地设在这些地区的 意愿。
Stock option as a supplementary manner for tradition wage system of CEO is a powerful incentive system in modern share enterprises .
股票期权制度作为对经理人员传统 薪酬制度的补充,是现代股份制企业中一种有效的 激励制度。
For the skilled type human capital they emphasize the wage and bonus encouragement or attach them to management and so on ; for the marketing type human capital it important to design the salary institution and science and techology incentive institution that link to new product sales .
而技能型人力资本着重作好 工资奖金激励、参与管理激励等,营销型人力资本则应重点设计与新产品销售挂钩的薪酬制度和科技 奖励制度。
The application of linear incentive contract based on the principal-agent theory will be helpful for sales managers to determine the deduction percentage for salesmen to analyze the influence of the deduction to the wage and then to design the incentive contract for salesmen .
运用委托代理理论构建的销售人员基于销售业绩的线性契约,探讨销售 提成系数以及基本 工资的影响,有利于销售人员激励合同的确定。
Rampant wage inflation may create an incentive for private bankers to justify their salaries by being more aggressive about selling products .
大幅度的 薪资增长可能会 刺激私人银行家更激进地销售产品,以求证明其薪水是合理的。
It makes a great change in the following aspects : the basic wage merit pay welfare incentive pay etc.
具体从基本 工资、绩效调薪、 奖金福利等几方面着手,对原有薪酬体系进行了较大的改革与调整。
In this paper a prefecture-level city civil servants wage reformation would be introduced as an example to analyze the progress achieved in terms of fairness and incentive and the adjustment of internal benefits distribution structure brought by the reformation .
本文以一个地级市的公务员 工资改革作为实例进行研究,分析这次公务员 工资制度改革在公平性和 激励 机制方面所取得的进展,以及所带来的公务员内部利益分配格局的调整。
Wage Incentive and College and University Talent Ranks
工资 的 激励 作用与高校人才队伍建设
Another key factor is rapidly rising wage growth in many parts of China which is reducing the incentive to base production in that country for anything other than selling to the large domestic market .
另一个关键因素是,中国很多地区的 薪资正迅速上涨,结果是,除非是为了在巨大的中国国内市场上销售,外国 公司越来越没有 动力把生产基地设在中国。
Promote the reform of the wage and income distribution system and establish an incentive and restraining mechanism for income distribution .
推进 工资收入分配制度改革,建立收入分配的 激励和约束机制。
The wage and incentive systems of a joint venture must be in conformity with the principle of distribution according to work and more pay for more work .
合营企业的 工资、 奖励制度必需符合按劳分配、多劳多得的原则。
Implementing post wage is implemented the performance pay to post combination of pay and performance reviews implement the principle of distribution according to work improve the fairness of distribution and incentive .
实行岗位绩效薪点 工资就是实行以岗定薪和绩效考核相结合,体现按劳分配的原则,提高薪酬分配的公平性和 激励性。
The paper patterns discusses the essence of teacher incentive mechanism in university from economy theory which is principal-agency and and reputation theory and then puts forward the immanent patterns of incentive mechanism . The modified models of wage incentive mechanism and knowledge capital market theory are also proposed .
从经济理论角度透视高等院校教师激励机制的本质,用委托代理、声誉理论等方法研究和揭示高等院校教师激励机制的内在规律,提出修正的 工资 激励模型及知本市场(教授市场)理论。
美[wedʒ ɪnˈsɛntɪv]英[weidʒ inˈsentiv]