Compares the two energy saving modes i.e.air economizer and water economizer .
对该节能技术的两种形式&空气节能器与 水 节能 器进行了比较。
On Vibration Causes and Solution to Water Feed Tube of the Boiler and Outlet Tube at the Economizer
锅炉 给水管道及 省 煤 器出口管道振动原因及消除
Export Procedures Effects of Outlet Water Temperature Variation of Economizer on Superheater Temperature in Utility Boilers
电站锅炉 省 煤 器出口 水温变化对过热器温度影响的计算方法研究
To reduce the impairing effect on boiler operation caused by water leakage of the low temperature economizers following an inspection and analysis of the leakage locations it was ascertained that the failure was caused by air escaping at places where the economizer was propped by supporting beams .
为减少因低温省煤器 漏水而影响锅炉运行,通过对泄漏点的情况检查、分析,发现由于低温 省 煤 器支撑梁处漏风而引起的。
For manufacture water wall panel economizer reheater superheater and pipeline of boilers .
用于锅炉 水冷壁、 省 煤 器、再热器、过热器和蒸气管道的制造。
Optimum water flow distribution for a low pressure economizer system in power stations
火力发电厂低压 省 煤 器系统的最佳 水量分配