After waking up the wealthy couple took their daughter 's advice .
She was afraid of waking the child .
她怕 把孩子 吵醒。
Me either . I forgot it when waking up .
我也是。 起床后我就忘了。
In one month you 'll be waking up1 hour earlier !
一个月后,你就可以提前1小时 起床了!
Waking and dreaming she absorbs my soul .
在 醒 时在梦中她都吸入住我的灵魂。
I am waking up myself .
我可以自己 起床了。
Lithuanians are waking up to a world of increasing shortages
立陶宛人 开始 意识到物资日益匮乏。
It was work which consumed most of his waking hours
他 醒 着的时候大部分时间都在工作。
Please pardon me for waking you .
请原谅我 吵醒了你。
When I had to be at her house I see her waking up from her nightmares .
当我必须在她的房子呆的时候,我看见她从噩梦中 醒来。
He is afraid of waking up late and so he always has an alarm on his bedside table .
他怕 醒晚了,总是在床头桌上放一个闹钟。
Her dreams were troubled reflecting the tenor of her waking hours .
她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她 白天 生活的基调。
Joe dreamed about waking up rich .
乔梦见自己 一觉 醒来成了富翁。
Waking up from my ten-year dream in yangzhou I 've won the name of a fickle man among the pleasure quarters .
十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。(杜牧《 遣怀》)
I am finally waking up from fantasies and this is definitely not love !
我 清醒了,不再有任何幻想,这不是爱情!
I can 't remember when I had my first waking nightmare .
我不记得我第一次 被噩梦惊醒是什么时候。
I really like waking up with you .
我真的很喜欢一 醒来 看到你。
What do you mean by waking me up at this time of night ?
你半夜三更把我 叫醒,什么意思?
Harry Potter rolled over inside his blankets without waking up .
哈利波特在毯子包里翻了个身,但他并没有 醒。
I have trouble waking up in the morning .
早上 起来对我 而言 实在有困难。
And the sweet drugged waking of a forgetful baby .
和一个甜蜜的,从药物中 醒来的失忆的婴儿。
I may be waking up in the fall .
我可能在秋天 醒来。
In the early morning darkness of my first night the doorbell rang waking my hostess and me .
我在朋友家住的第一晚,天还没亮的时候门铃就响了, 把我和女主人都 吵醒了。
Do you like waking to the sound of a radio ?
你愿意 醒来就听到收音机的声响吗?
A waking dream a walking dream .
一个 白日梦,一个行走之梦。
You have to conceal your boredom John whispered to me waking me from my nap .
“你得掩饰一下你的厌倦情绪,”约翰低声对我说道,一面 把我从瞌睡中 唤醒。
Most of their waking hours are spent eating .
他们 醒 着 时大部分时间都在吃东西。
Well for me it 's waking up beside you to watch the sun rise on you face .
对我来说, 清晨在你的身边 醒来,看这阳光映 溢在你的脸颊。
v.唤醒醒( wake的现在分词 )唤起(记忆)使再次感觉到