wage policy

[wedʒ ˈpɑlɪsi][weidʒ ˈpɔləsi]


  • It would be insane for instance for Germany to embark on an expansionary wage policy that led to higher unemployment .

    举例而言,德国实施导致失业率上升的扩张性 薪资 政策就将是愚蠢的。

  • In China as a new wage policy it has been introduced under the guidance of the socialist market economic system and it borrowed this experience from the market economy countries wage regulation and management and implemented in the framework of Chinese characteristics .

    最低 工资 制度是我国在社会主义市场经济体制的指导下引入的一项新的 工资 政策,它借鉴了市场经济国家在工资调控与管理方面的经验,并按照具有中国特色的框架来实施。

  • It is therefore necessary to probe into the causes of that phenomenon through an analysis of the wage level for Shanxi urban residents in order to provide some reference for the policy adjustment to increase their income .

    为此,有必要从山西城镇居民的 工资 收入水平方面,具体分析引起山西城镇居民人均可支配收入水平长期偏低的原因,从而为提高山西城镇居民收入提供一些 决策依据。

  • The issue of wage policy is a very complicated one and needs to be studied .

    工资 政策是个很复杂的问题,要研究。

  • We should design merit pay system make wage policy choices according to strategy pay attention to the incentive of internal pay pay attention to communication on the pay-design and let staff involve in the design of pay system and management so that enterprise will lead market .

    应从设计业绩工资制度、根据战略要求选择 工资 政策、注重内在薪酬的激励作用、关注薪酬设计的沟通交流及让员工参与薪酬制度的设计与管理等方面着手制定薪酬策略,提高企业人力资源激励效率。

  • Significant differences existed in three groups in aspects of career development wage and allowance and management and policy .

    个人及专业发展机会维度、 工资与补贴维度和管理与医院 政策维度,不同编制护士之间差异有统计学意义;

  • Make good relation between budget checking and company 's wage & salary policy .

    建立预算考评与 薪酬 制度的关系。

  • Trade union 's wage work has given impetus to restrain deflation through analysis of the present economic situation and the monetary policy of People 's Bank of China .

    通过对目前经济形势和央行货币 政策的分析,工会 工资工作对克服通货紧缩起到积极的推动作用。

  • Another priority for action would be a kind of European wage policy .

    另一项优先措施是制定一种“欧洲 薪资 政策”。

  • Article 14 The wage policy of the FFEs should follow the principle of equal pay for equal work .

    第十四条企业的 工资 分配,应实行同工同酬的原则。

  • Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate subsidy and wage policy 's effects on real exchange rate respectively .

    再利用修正过的购买力平价理论,测算出人民币的真实汇率,并且具体分析名义汇率、补贴、 工资 政策与真实汇率的变化趋势。

  • The firms ' wage policy is an important factor to affect the firms ' training investment and subsequently affect the employees ' mobility .

    另外,企业的 工资 政策也是影响企业培训投资对员工流动效应的重要因素。

  • Minimum wage is a policy which has an important impact on labor market in Western Countries .

    最低 工资是一项对劳动力市场有着非常重要影响的 政策

  • Research conclusions : Implement of post wage system plays positive roles in invigorating inner distribution of enterprise pursuing policy of distribution to each according to his work mobilizing the ( employees ) 'activeness and stabling employees of enterprise .

    研究结论:实施岗位 工资制度,对搞活企业内部分配,贯彻按劳分配 政策,更好地调动员工的工作积极性,稳定公司骨干队伍等方面起到了良好的作用。

  • Our conclusion helps to lay down the wage policy rationally and make use of capital more efficiently .

    本文的结论对于制定合理的 工资 政策,提高资金的使用效率有较大的指导意义。

  • The update local laws e.g.minimum wage social insurance policy etc.

    政府最新文件,如:最低 工资、社会 保险的规定、综合计时申批记录等。

  • To urge the country which anyway has the highest wages to embark on an expansionary wage policy when unemployment remains high is a recipe for destroying jobs .

    在失业率仍处高位之际,敦促德国(它一直是工资最高的国家之一)实施扩张性的 薪资 政策,是一剂破坏就业的药方。

  • In this article we try to answer two questions related to it . One is why minimum wage has such an impact on labor market and another is how we can use minimum wage policy to promote economic development .

    本文试图回答两个 有关最低工资的问题,一是为什么最低工资会有这样的影响,二是最低 工资在哪些方面能促进经济发展。

  • To avoid the threat of immiserizing growth promote the development of our economic healthy and quickly ponder the low wage high employment policy is necessary . Gradually increase the remuneration factor in the initial distribution of income .

    所以为了使我国避免贫困化增长,保证经济增长和对外贸易的健康持续发展,就有必要深思政府采用的低 工资、高就业 政策,逐步提高劳动报酬因素在初次分配中的比重。

  • An arbitrable wage and health benefits policy ; an arbitrable dispute .

    一项可仲裁的 工资和健康福利 政策;可仲裁的纠纷。

  • The weak coordination is the labour market policy product and capital market policies wage policy etc.

    再次是协调形式相对较弱的政策领域,包括劳动力市场政策、产品和资本市场政策、 工资 政策等。

  • Of course that is a difficult and lengthy task to undertake : whereas a simple jump in the minimum wage seems quick and easy policy – but it actually undermines overall prosperity .

    当然,这个任务艰巨而漫长,而提高最低 工资似乎简单 速效&但它有损总体的繁荣。

  • The board is to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible minimum wage policy for Hong Kong .

    委员会将于明天开会,讨论在香港落实最低 工资 政策是否可行。

  • Namely from the wage payment system management pattern the wage reform goal principle as well as the necessary policy invests three aspects to obtain carries on the reform to our country official wage payment system .

    即从工资制度管理模式、 工资改革的目标原则以及相配套的 政策三个方面入手对我国公务员工资制度进行改革。

  • The Coordination of Minimum Living Allowance Minimum Wage Social Security Contribution and Personal Income Tax Policy : the Case of Shanghai

    低保、最低 工资、社保缴费与个人所得税 政策的衔接:以上海市为例

  • Ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing .

    福特从效率和利润分享的角度来解释这项新的 工资 政策

  • As far as I know this is the first paper analyzing the college entrance examination from the perspective of exam score working ability and wage which provides a new research method and policy consult . 3 .

    据笔者所查文献,本文首次将高考分数、工作能力和 就业 工资三者有机结合分析的论文,为评价高考 制度的有效性提供了新的视角和参考。

  • Dealing with high inflation is closely linked to wage developments and fiscal policy .

    对高通货膨胀率的处理与 工资发展和财政 政策密切相关。