Although this version was adapted to take account of the demise of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet collapse it remains broadly in force .
尽管考虑到 华约 解散及苏联解体,这一版本的 条约已进行了修改,但很大范围内仍然有效。
The Hungarian Revolution against Russian domination had been crushed by the invasion of Russian and other Warsaw Pact forces on14 November .
匈牙利革命对俄罗斯的统治已被辗碎的入侵俄罗斯和其他 华沙 公约 组织力量对11月14日。
Perhaps they were right but was the foreign policy of the United States right before Afghanistan towards the Warsaw Pact ?
可能他们是对的,但是美国对 华沙的外交政策在 苏联 入侵阿富汗之前是对的么?
IBM 360 and 370 computers are believed to be x Q the mainstays of the Warsaw Pact 's air-defense system .
人们认为,IBM360型和370型的计算机是 华沙 条约国家防空系统的主件。
While the US and newer Nato members from the former Warsaw Pact are keen to draw Georgia and Ukraine closer others like Germany and France are wary of antagonising Russia a key energy supplier .
虽然来自前 华沙 公约的新的北大西洋公约组织成员和美国激烈的,确定拉格鲁吉亚州和乌克兰的先后加入,象德国和法国这些国家是小心与一支钥匙能源供应者的俄国敌对。
Radical changes in Eastern Europe the re-unification of Germany the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the disintegration of the USSR all occurred successively causing difficulties in continuing the original Yalta system .
东欧剧变、德国统一、 华约瓦解、苏联解体接踵而至,原来的雅尔塔体制难以为继。
From the conception and characteristics of the air passenger transport contract this article refers to that according to the deference between inland air passenger transport and international air passenger transport the air passenger transport contract shall be governed by Civil Air Law and Warsaw Pact respectively .
本文根据航空旅客运输合同的概念和特征,指出航空旅客运输合同由于国内航空运输及国际航空运输的不同,应分别适用 《民用航空法 》及 《 华沙 公约 》等 国际 条约及 规定。
Its European security policy was centered around the two basic questions : how best to achieve security and cooperation in Europe and how to reduce both NATO and Warsaw Pact forces in Europe .
尼克松政府的欧洲安全政策主要围绕两大问题展开:一是如何在欧洲实现最佳的安全与合作,二是如何实现北约与 华约的均衡裁军。
During the cold war the US faced the organised political and economic bloc of the Warsaw Pact .
冷战时期,美国曾面对过华沙条约( Warsaw Pact)下有组织的政治和经济集团。
But the plans for that system also include advanced land-based versions some of which would be based in former Warsaw Pact countries including Poland and Romania .
这一新的系统同时还包括先进的 陆基系统,其中一些将部署在波兰和罗马尼亚等 东欧国家。
Military confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact was the major problem in the cold war era and was a remarkable characteristic in the international politics in the later 20th century .
在冷战时期,北约和 华约的军事对峙是东西方对抗的重要内容,也是20世纪后半期国际政治的一个显著特征。
On the western side the US organized NATO and supported West Germany for the purpose of keeping the ussr in check ; on the eastern side the USSR organized the Warsaw pact and built up East Germany as the bridgehead against the west .
在西边,美国组织北约,扶植西德,以“遏制”苏联;在东边,苏联组建 华约 集团,把东德建成对付西方的桥头堡。
Following the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact the confrontation between the two military blocks-Nato and the Warsaw Pact-has disappeared .
苏联和 华约解体,北约和华约两大集团对峙消失,但大国争夺欧洲的斗争仍在进行。
The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc .
华沙 公约的成立是用来对抗资本阵营所成立的北大西洋公约组织的。
After World War II Czechoslovakia came under the influence of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact from 1945 onward .
二战结束后,从1945年开始,捷克斯洛伐克就处于苏联以及它的 华沙 条约的影响之下。
Poland which was the Warsaw Pact Group ⅱ countries was experiencing the instability of the political situation .
期间,以 苏联 为首 的 华约集团重要成员国&波兰正经历着政局的动荡不稳。
That from March 1999 to March 2004 two rounds of the clamorous NATO eastern expansion were executed with its newly increased member countries covering most of the original Warsaw Pact countries .
1999年3月和2004年3月,喧嚷一时的北约东扩已实施了两轮,其新增成员国已覆盖了原 华约大多数国家。
The NATO alliance has been struggling to define its role since the demise of the Warsaw Pact .
自 华沙 条约湮灭,北约同盟就一直在努力定位自己的角色。
美[ˈwɔrˌsɔ pækt]英[ˈwɔ:ˌsɔ: pækt]
[经] 华沙公约