I love their affectionate ways and the eloquent wag of their tails .
我欣赏他们的友善忠诚,他们那 不 停摆动的 尾巴也很招人 喜爱。
David 's such a wag but I wish he 'd find some new jokes .
戴维是个很 爱 打趣开玩笑的 人,不过我希望他找一些新的笑话。
She wagged a finger under his nose in a taunting gesture .
她 当 着他的面嘲弄地 摇晃 着手指。
By analysis and compare systematically for property management the objective and wag of achieving propertg management modernization .
对物业管理体制进行实证分析和系统比较,提出实现物业管理现代化的目标和 途径。
But research shows that dogs don 't wag their tails when they are alone because there is no need .
研究发现狗独处的时候不会 摇尾巴,因为没有必要。
The tail is too big to wag .
I wag my tail and lick your face until you feel good about yourself again .
我 摇我的尾巴,舔你的脸,直到你自我感觉良好了。
What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners .
这对伴侣年龄上的差异 招来了 不少 闲话。
How does the project WAG compare to story points or T-Shirting ?
项目 WAG与故事点或“T恤”相比有什么不同?
They tried to keep their affair secret but it wasn 't long before tongues began to wag .
他们本想把他们的事保守秘密,但不久有些人就开始 饶舌了。
Have you ever seen a dog wag its tail ?
你见过狗 摇尾巴吗?
At hearing his name spoken the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail .
听到有 人喊它的名字,这条狗摆了 摆尾巴。
Dogs wag their tails for other dogs humans and other animals like cats .
狗 会对其它狗、人和其它动物(比如猫) 摇尾巴。
You must stop visiting that woman ; tongues are beginning to wag .
你不要再到那个女人那里去了,已经有 人说 闲话了。
Money will buy you a fine dog but only love can make it wag its tail .
有钱就能买只可爱的狗,但是有爱才能让它对你 摇尾巴。
The dog wag his tail as if to tell her how glad he is .
那狗儿 摇动尾巴,像是要告诉她:它是何等高兴。
He was an old un and the world did not wag well with old uns .
他已经老了,如今的世界对上了年纪的 人是毫无 情面的。
He wagged a disapproving finger
他 摇晃 着手指表示不同意。
The dog wag his tail and welcome me .
狗 摇尾巴欢迎我。
I said not to wag your tail !
我告诉过你不要 摇尾巴了!
He wags his head unhappily .
他不高兴地 摇着头。
Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased .
狗一高兴 就 摇尾巴。
And when I begin to eat after my toil you wake up and wag your tail for food .
并且,当我开始在我的劳碌以后时吃,您叫醒并且 摇摆您的食物的尾巴。
The dog was biting growling and wagging its tail .
那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也 跟着 摇摆。
In this respect the WAG approach is similar to T-Shirting .
在这方面, WAG方法的作用与T恤号码相似。
Money will buy a pretty dog but it won 't buy the wag of his tail .
金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到 它 的 摇动尾巴。
He 's a bit of a wag his dad
他爸爸这个 人 说话 相当 风趣 。
He would wag his finger and wave us down from the tree .
他会 张开手指,将我们从树上 摇下来。
There was a moose head on the wall . Some wag had put a cigarette in its mouth .
墙上挂着一个驼鹿头。某个 爱 搞笑 的 人在它的嘴里放了一支香烟。
The7-2 veteran then turned toward the fans and did his trademark finger wag .
尤其是在比赛进行到第2节时,穆托姆博给了诺维茨基一个盖帽,这促使他向球迷作出了一个他的标志性动作& 摇手指。
vt.& vi.摇动,摇摆饶舌(时势等)推移,变迁