People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes
有高血压的人尤其 易患糖尿病。
Babies lose heat much faster than adults and are especially vulnerable to the cold in their first month .
婴儿散热比成年人快得多,在出生后的头一个月特别 容易感冒。
This is a double threat to the incomes of the most vulnerable groups .
这对那些经济上十分 脆弱的人的收人是一个双重的威胁。
We are vulnerable both by water and land without either fleet or army .
由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都 易 受 攻击。
When you are vulnerable people actually want to protect you .
当你 脆弱的时候,人们其实会希望保护你。
This in turn will require identifying areas and social groups most vulnerable to climate change .
反过来这又需要发现对气候变化最 脆弱的地区和社会人群。
Social workers are involved with some of the most distressed and vulnerable people in our communities .
社会工作者参与的一些最痛心和 易 受 伤害的人在我们的领域。
The peasant workers of vulnerable group is a group that can not be ignored of the social 's developing .
Lacking self-confidence and maturity many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable .
许多十几岁的孩子既缺乏自信又不够懂事,所以感情上十分 脆弱。
It makes you vulnerable .
这让你 很 脆弱。
This anomaly may result from increases in snowfall in the higher latitude and therefore colder karakorams where snow and ice are less vulnerable to small temperature increases .
这种反常现象也许可以解释为:喀拉昆仑山脉地处高纬度地区,那里的降雪量在增加,气温也更冷,冰川 受全球变暖的 影响较小。
The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market .
回收工业 经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。
Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air
他们的坦克 易 受到空袭。
Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolonged economic slump .
经济长期疲软可能会对 固特异公司造成 影响。
Republicans targeted Unsoeld as vulnerable in her bid for reelection this year
共和党人将 安索尔德定为 攻击目标,认为她在争取今年连任的竞选中不堪一击。
Trafficking of women and girls for forced labour and sex is widespread and often affects the most vulnerable .
为强迫劳动和强迫性行为而进行的贩运妇女和女童现象广泛存在,并且通常影响到最 脆弱 的 人群。
All countries are vulnerable to the spread of pathogens and their economic political and social impact .
所有国家都 易于 发生致病菌传播并 遭受其经济、政治和社会影响。
I felt vulnerable and very much alone .
我感到非常孤独和 脆弱。
I have become vulnerable and because you rarely at my side reminding me .
我却变得 脆弱了,因为你很少在我身边提醒我。
The refugees without a doubt are the most vulnerable .
难民无疑是最 易 受到 伤害的。
The little car looked dusty and vulnerable amid the vibrant taxis .
在生机勃勃的汽车群里,这小车显得一身尘土, 经不起碰撞。
But in today 's economy educated white-collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing .
但是,在今天的经济中,受过教育的白领工人也同样 容易 受到裁员的 攻击。
Paradoxically in the phenomenological sense a strong text is fragile and vulnerable to carelessness and unconcern .
自相矛盾的是,在现象学意义上说,一个强大的文本是脆弱和 易 受 伤害的不小心和漠不关心。
There must be a rethink of government policy towards this vulnerable group .
必须重新考虑政府对待这一 弱势群体的政策。
Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society .
老年人是社会中尤为明显的 弱势 群体。
I hesitated to apply the word ' vulnerable ' to him but it came into my mind
我不愿用“ 脆弱”这个词来形容他,但它却突然出现在我脑子里了。
That makes them particularly vulnerable to pollution and poorly regulated fishing .
这使它们对污染和监管不力的打捞尤为 脆弱。
Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be vulnerable to disease .
生命力强的植物不 容易得病。
ADSL is always on which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking .
一直挂在线上会使你的个人电脑更 容易被黑客攻击。
There was a moment of panic in Britain as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was
一时间,英国出现了大恐慌,因为人们清楚地看到了英国有多么 不堪一击。