Join Dick Dastardly and the gang in all the racing fun and madness Wacky Races style !
加入切尼卑怯和刚在所有的赛车乐趣和疯狂, 古怪种族风格!
Girls get wacky when they 're pregnant .
女人怀孕了就会变得 古怪。
He believes some of the wacky personal items on display at CES may evolve into industrial-scale applications .
他认为CES展上一些 稀奇古怪的个人物品有可能发展成工业级的应用。
But the wacky cat videos are still important and will remain a staple of Youtube .
不过, 古怪宠物视频仍然很重要,而且仍将是YouTube的一 根顶梁柱。
Nic Cage has taken on a lot of wacky roles in his career but even this is strange .
尼古拉斯凯奇在自己的职业生涯中 饰演过不少 古怪角色,但即便如此,这件事还是会显得很奇怪。
At best it 's considered a wacky superstition like carrying around a rabbit 's foot on a keychain .
能 入耳的说法也被认为是类似于将兔脚系于钥匙链上的 奇怪迷信。
The tip of the hand now looks wacky so select those faces .
手的技巧,现在看起来 古怪,所以选择的面孔。
Aren 't you scared that all these wacky ideas will fail ?
你难道不害怕所有这些 疯狂的构想将失败吗?
Kobe Bryant had two messages for the Lakers on a wacky Wednesday : call me and show me .
在这充满 谣言的星期三科比从湖人收到了两条信息:打电话给我 要么交易我。
I don 't want no part of that wacky dame . I 'm looking for that other screwball .
我不想抓这个 疯癫的女人。我来找另外一个疯癫的。
This wacky pair of stilettos are cunningly disguised as coffee pots with hot liquid pouring out .
这双 古怪的细高跟鞋被巧妙地塑造成正在倒出热咖啡的咖啡壶。
Without her intimidating actions and wacky expressions life will be dull and meaningless .
没有了她那些小动作和 搞怪表情,生活就会变得很黑白,没意义。
Chinese comedians will have a whale of a time making fun of all the wacky Chinese signs and billboards appearing in England .
中国的喜剧演员们将有一段开心畅怀的 时光,对英格兰各地出现的 稀奇古怪的中文标识和广告大开玩笑。
Of course as the aforesaid writer of humorous fantasy I 'm obsessed by wacky zany ideas .
当然了,就像前面说的,我是写幽默奇幻的作家,自然净是 古怪滑稽的念头。
The one who use to mellow you out with his wacky weed .
那个总是用 大麻 让你放松的人。
But that 's just wacky costumes . it 's just costumes .
那只是一套 可笑 的 行头罢了。
I love his vonderfully wacky illustrations .
我喜欢他那些奇妙 古怪的插图。
Next players use the wacky word parts to create wildly funny new words to fit the definition .
接下来,玩家们使用 现成的单词块创造一个符合这个说明的新词。
What was I thinking of picking a wacky subject like cryonics ?
我当初到底是怎么想的&竟然挑了一个人体冷冻术这样的 古怪话题?
There 's this wacky one .
曾有一个 疯疯癫癫 的 女孩。
Wacky marriages I 've seen lately .
你 让 外人 怎么看你的婚姻。
Go easy captain . they 're just wacky kids .
放松点,上尉,他们只是 些 疯 疯颠颠的小孩儿。
Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia .
He decided to become a clown to join the wacky world of the circus .
他决定当一个小丑,加入到 滑稽 逗人的马戏世界中去。
It took me hours to diagnose some Net : : SSH problems and all I got in response was basically * shrug * SSH is wacky .
我需要花几个小时的时间来诊断Net::SSH的问题,但是得到的回应却是“(耸了耸肩)SSH有 毛病”。
That is a wacky hair-do man .
这是一个 古怪的发型。
Meantime try not to overreact to your wacky boss Bernstein cautions .
与此同时,伯恩斯坦也警告说,不要对行为 乖癖的老板反应过度。
Those wacky golfers had a pretty good year .
那些 古怪高尔夫球手也过了他们愉快的一年。
Tower defense games have never been this wacky or as much fun .
塔防御游戏从未如此 古怪,或尽可能多的乐趣。
Wacky ideas are commonplace among space scientists .
太空科学家想法 古怪是不足为奇的。