In 1958 Professor A. W. Phillips proposed the relational curve between currency wage rate and unemployment rate which is the Phillips curve primitive shape .
1958年,A.W.菲利普斯教授提出货币 工资 率和失业率之间的关系曲线,这是菲利普斯曲线的原始形态。
The result of the higher wage rate therefore will be a much greater unemployment than before .
由此可知,进一步提高 工资 水平的结果,将是出现更为严重的失业。
Determination of Wage Rate : The Uselessness of Utility Choice Theory and the Use of Cost Theory
工资 率决定:效用选择理论的无用性与成本理论的运用
This paper analyses the effects of China 's intellectual property protection ( IPP ) on relative wage rate and economic growth in a technological diffusion model of China 's World Factory . And it is tested by the experience data in recent 5 years .
本文分析了知识产权保护对世界工厂模式下相对 工资 率及经济增长率的影响,并用近5年中国的经验数据进行验证。
The major forms of the capital accumulation includes coerced purchasing of agricultural products at low prices coerced taking over the land from the farmers and coerced lowering the wage rate as well as the social welfare of the farmers .
我国资本原始积累的主要形式是:强制性低价收购农产品、强制性低价征用农民土地、强制性压低农民工 工资和福利待遇。
Eastern Jiangsu Province which exports more than Brazil and South Africa combined raised its monthly minimum wage rate by 13 per cent to RMB 960 ( $ 140 ) last week .
上周,出口超过巴西和南非两国总和的江苏省,将每月最低 工资 标准 提高13%至960元人民币(合140美元)。
The 15-year-old is working in a coffee shop near his familys London home at a minimum wage rate according to Britains The Sun on Sunday .
据伦敦《太阳报》报道,15岁的布鲁克林在他伦敦家附近咖啡厅的工作只拿最低 工资。
Then using workforce market segmentation theory I analyzed the impact of the flow of rural laborer to cities on the urban employment and the wage rate .
然后运用新古典经济学的劳动力市场分割理论分析农村劳动进城对城市就业和 工资 率的影响。
So this paper featured archival research is an extension of redundant employees in the literature . Third the discussion on the wage rate is limited to theoretical analysis with opposite conclusion in previous literature .
本文的研究方法属于档案研究,扩展了冗余雇员方面的文献。再次,以往的文献中,对 工资 率讨论,只限于理论分析,而且结论截然相反。
Before we finish with the topic I should perhaps mention another argument sometimes put forward for fixing a minimum wage rate by statute .
在结束这一论题之前,也许我应当提一下主张以法规形式确定某一最低 工资 率的另一种论调。
Our analysis shows that after the institutional change capital output and capital-output ratio will rise interest rate decrease and wage rate increase individual utility improve and pension replacement rate rise income distribution gap reduce and some transition price emerge ;
分析表明,制度变迁将使资本量和产量增加,资本-产出比提高,利率下降, 工资 率上升;两类劳动者个人效用上升,养老金替代率上升,收入分配差距缩小;
The relationship between wage rate and working time under the condition of market mechanism of our country
我国市场机制条件下 工资 率与工作时间的关系
The founding of team helps to avoid the substitution between the high wage rate and the high stock return .
团队的建立有助于消除高 工资 率和高股本回报率的相互替代性。
MONEY HISTORICAL Goods price and wage rate is only the part or price group ;
物价(及货币 工资 率)只是价格集合的一个组成部分而已;
We consider how the size of the cost differential the extent of contractual incompleteness the size of the industry and the relative wage rate affect the organization of industry production .
我们研究了成本差距,产业规模,不完全契约的程度以及 工资对产业组织均衡方式的影响。
The buying power of the federal minimum wage rate is at its lowest point since 1949 .
而联邦最低 工资 水平的购买力自1949年以来已经降至了最低点。
If wage rate unequal in different countries real unequal trade and international exploitation would appear .
另外,在各国 工资 率不平等的情况下,还存在着不平等贸易和国际剥削。
We hold that after lawful explanation the loss of income due to missed working time may be determined with reference to the currently promulgated minimum wage rate for the employees in this city .
我们认为,可在依法释明后,参照目前公布的本市职工最低 工资 标准确定其误工费用。
Effects of Shadow Wage Rate on the Labor Supply of Farmers Household
影子 工资 率对农户劳动供给水平的影响&对贫困地区农户劳动力配置的经验研究
The idea of legislating for a minimum wage rate is to help those who need help . Therefore the government is obligated to make up its contractors'pay cost differences .
所以,从贯彻最低 工资原意,帮助有需要人士的宗旨,政府加码补足相关差额是 应有之义。
A minimum wage rate is a price floor .
最低 工资是价格下限。
Right now women in China earn a discounted wage rate .
现在,中国女性获得的 薪酬普遍与 男性存在差距。
In 1960 Samuelson . Paul and Solow . Robert proposed a revision to the Phillips curve and changed the curve on relation between the currency wage rate and the unemployment rate in to inflation rate and the unemployment rate .
1960年,萨缪尔森和索罗,提出了对菲利普斯曲线的修正,他们把货币 工资 率与失业率之间关系的曲线,修正为通货膨胀率和失业率之间关系的曲线。
When the production efficiency of trade products sector ( manufacturing ) increases rapidly the wage rate of the department will increase .
当贸易产品部门(制造业)生产效率迅速提高时,该部门的 工资 增长 率也会提高。
It is clear that labour cost variance arises due to the actual hours differing from the standard hours and the actual wage rate differing from the standard wage rate .
显而易见,劳务费用差异的产生是由于实际工时不等于标准工时,而实际 工资 率也不等于标准工资率所致。
Markup technology composition and wage rate of every industry determines the redistribution of aggregate surplus value among the industries .
各行业的 价格加成 率、技术构成和 工资 率决定了剩余价值总额在行业间的再分配,进而决定了行业 工资份额。
We need to come up with a competitive wage rate and structure here !
我们得拿出一个更有竞争力的 工资 标准 和 工资结构来!
Analysis of the Effects of Pension Reform on Wage Rate Changes
养老保险制度改革对 工资 增长趋势的影响分析
美[wedʒ ret]英[weidʒ reit]