In addition planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities .
另外,计划可以减少活动的重叠和 浪费。
Suffer visit employee to think wasteful man-hour is main with boss communicate and manage skill to concern .
受访员工认为, 浪费工时主要与上司的沟通和治理技巧有关。
You will it 's wasteful for your memory if nobody ask you to remember her birthday .
再没有人要你记着她的生日,你会觉得 浪费了你良好的记忆力。
By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier more wasteful nations .
通过投资高效能的工厂,它可以节余很多宝贵的碳信用额来出售给更富有、更 浪费的国家。
The way India divvies up spectrum is unfair and erratic which deters investment . It is also wasteful .
印度的频谱分配方式既不公平也反复多变,抑制了投资,也 造成了 浪费。
All this excessive packaging & it 's so wasteful .
这些过多的包装&太 浪费了!
Do useless wasteful or trivial work .
做没用的、 浪费 性的、琐碎的工作。
You can cease to be so wasteful and conserve and recycle more .
你们可以停止再如此 浪费而保护资源并再生利用。
But wasteful use of public money and dishonesty in government have weakened the economy in recent years .
但近几年来, 公款的滥用和政府的欺骗行为削弱了经济。
I think it a shame to be so wasteful .
我觉得那样 华 侈太羞耻了。
More careful purchasing and design including the use of more advanced and less wasteful technologies .
改善采购程序和建筑设计,包括运用更先进及造成较少 浪费 的 建筑技术。
Your business requirements may determine that some green policies are impractical or even more wasteful .
您的业务要求可能决定了某些环保策略是不切实际、甚至是更加 浪费的。
This is wasteful because it deprives the soil of valuable nutrients .
这是一 种 浪费,因为它夺走了土壤的有价值的养料。
It 's wasteful to throw away glass paper and metal .
扔掉玻璃、纸片和金属是 很 浪费 的 行为。
This kind of training is ineffective and wasteful of scarce resources
这种训练没有效率,而且是对稀缺资源的 浪费 。
Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort .
尽量避免 无用的重复劳动。
It 's very wasteful of electricity to have so many lights on at once .
同时开这么多的灯,太 浪费电了。
It is wasteful to leave water running from a pipe .
让水管里的水 白白流掉, 太 浪费了。
The president says all the programs being eliminated or reduced are wasteful or unnecessary .
总统说,所有被取消或是削减的项目都是 浪费和不必要的 开支。
Lower tax rates and a simpler consumption tax base would also reduce wasteful tax evasion and tax avoidance behavior .
较低的税率和更简单的消费税收基数也会减少 逃税行为。
For years poor Chinese have been financing the excessive consumption and wasteful housebuilding of Western consumers .
多年来,可怜的中国人一直在为西方消费者的过度消费和 大手大脚的住房建设提供融资。
Wasteful consumption of fossil fuels creates political liabilities overseas air pollution at home and global warming .
矿物燃料的 浪费 性消费带来了海外的政治债务、国内的空气污染和全球性气候变暖。
Throwing it all in the garbage can make you feel guilty or wasteful Frank said .
弗兰克说:把物品全部丢进垃圾箱会让你有负罪感或是 觉得 太 浪费了。
It is distressing to see food being wasted like this . He is a wasteful man .
这样浪费粮食令人痛心。他是个 爱 挥霍 浪费的人。
You can both be quite extravagant and wasteful .
不过你俩都十分奢侈 浪费。
This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful
这种行为被认为是 浪费而不获认可。
All those beautiful moon cake boxes are really wasteful and harmful to the environment .
那些包装精美的月饼礼盒其实是对环境 造成了 浪费和伤害。