warrant procedure

[ˈwɔrənt prəˈsidʒɚ][ˈwɔrənt prəˈsi:dʒə]

[法] 签发命令的手续

  • The core of bankrupt law system is to be returned back equally of each creditor the person of the warrant power can be performed in bankrupt procedure .

    破产法律制度的核心是使各债权人公平受偿, 担保权人在破产 程序中的别除权能得以行使。

  • Therefore we should adopt reasonable contents of western doctrine of warrant and set up guarantee measures correspondent with it as a reference approach for reforming our investigation procedure .

    因此,建议在立法中吸收西方 令状主义的合理内容,并建立相应的 令状主义保障措施,以此作为我国侦查 程序改革的借鉴方向。

  • We put forward correspond suggestion about the following problems : publisher qualifications the choice of object property innovation of Covered warrant product improving the guarantee way of fulfilling contract procedure of entering market system etc.

    在发行人资格的确定、标的资产的选择、备兑 权证产品的创新、履约担保方式的改善、上市 程序和做市商制度的完善等若干问题上提出了相应的补充和修改性建议。

  • The criminal litigation law and other judicial explanation in China have stipulated the subject of search search warrant search procedure and the like but problems still exist .

    我国刑事诉讼法及相关的司法解释对搜查的主体、 搜查 、搜查的 过程等问题进行了规定,但仍存在诸多问题。