I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us .
我 提议由你来选我们该 走哪条小路。
Second it stops target companies from putting up the kinds of artificial barriers to block unwelcome takeovers that are common in the US from the poison pill defence to stopping shareholders being able immediately to vote out boards that stand in the way of bids .
其次,该守则能够防止目标公司制造人为障碍,阻挠在美国常见的不受欢迎的收购,例如毒丸防御手段,或是让股东无法立刻 投票将阻挠收购的董事会 扫地出门。
Win or lose both tribes will vote somebody out .
不论输赢两个部落都要 淘汰一人。
Refusing to accept the decision of the vote he got up and stormed out of the meeting .
他拒绝接受 选举 结果,起身怒气冲冲地 离开 了会场。
They 're all owned by the rich so what difference does it make if you vote them out ?
他们都是为富人服务的,即便你把他们“ 选 下去”又有啥区别呢?
If you don 't like the way the Council are going about things you can always vote them out of office .
如果你们不喜欢该委员会处理事情的方式,你们随时可以 票 罢免他们。
It 's not just about getting the vote out though he says . One of the surprising things when I started the business was how many customers I had who were Republicans wearing my clothes to the inauguration .
他说道:我开始做这家公司的时候,一件令人惊讶的现象就是 ,有好多共和党顾客穿着我的衣服参加就职典礼。
You can 't vote them out of office because they 're all the same and they 're all supported and placed in power there by the same corporations .
你没法把他们 选 下去,因为他们都是一样的,都被同样的大公司们支持着。
It would be natural to vote them out of office-but there are not elections in our country .
在选举中,不把票 投给他们是很自然的 想法。但是我们的国家没有选举。
First Congress needs immediately to grant public shareholders the right to call shareholders ' meetings to vote out the current board and to pass binding ( not simply advisory ) votes on executive compensation .
首先,国会需要立即赋予公众股东以下权利:召集股东大会, 投票 推翻现任董事会,以及对高管薪酬进行具有约束性(而不只是参考性)的表决。
But as the day drew to a close many voters particularly in outlying areas of Luanda were seen still milling around some polling places unable to vote because these had run out of ballot papers .
不过,在当天的投票快要结束的时候,许多选民,特别是罗安达边远地区的选民仍在有些投票站附近不知所措的乱转,因为选票已经用 光 了, 他们无法 投票。
Until we shake them off our back ( and vote out BIG OIL backers in Congress ) progress will be slow and directly impact our overall competitiveness in the global market place .
除非我们摆脱他们(并 取消石油巨头在国外的支持者)进展将是缓慢的,且直接影响我们在全球市场的整体竞争力。
The suspension might have saved the project as some sources said a vote could have ruled it out .
这个暂停可能拯救了该项目,因为有消息说 投票可能把它否决。
Vote volunteer and work your heart out so that we can turn our country around .
经 表决,志愿者和工作了你的心,使我们能够把我们的国家都有。
I vote that we go out to eat .
我 提议我们到 外面去吃饭。
The Senate is poise to vote on the measure before heading out for the Christmas holiday Thursday .
周四,参议院的议员们在欢度圣诞节前,对医疗改革的方案 进行了 投票。
Vote out the guy running for re-election if you want the American middle class to come back .
如果你想美国的中产阶级回来那 就 投票竞选吧!
Main street America did not vote to throw out the capitalist baby with the bankers ' bathwater .
美国人不会 同意把资本主义的婴儿与银行家的洗澡水一起泼 出去。
There are already enough pensioners to vote a government in or out .
现在领退休金者已多得足以让政府 选上或使之 落选。
More ominously the exhausted Greeks may soon vote themselves out of the euro zone .
更为 不妙的是,筋疲力尽的希腊人很可能 选择 退出欧元区。
Everyone especially the civilians ( the common people ) should vote against him and push him out .
请大家,尤其是平民一起把 他推出 去。
Previously no Internet or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can vote on upswing the letter sent out .
以前,没有互联网,想投稿或有事只要发一个E-mail,就可以把作文 投上去,把信寄 了 出去。
In the light of events these opinions must be considered as ill informed as those of the poll takers who predicted that the American people would vote President Truman Out of office .
事后看来,应该说这些看法之缺乏见识,就象那些搞民意测验的人员曾经预告,美国人民在 投票中将使杜鲁门总统 落选一样。
If they do not meet your wishes vote them out .
如果他们不符合您的意愿, 投票令他们 选 不上。
And of course we all know we can vote out our councillors .
当然,我们全都知道我们能 投票 罢免议员们。
And if the President doesn 't make things better other voters say we 'll vote him out too
其他选民说,如果总统不能使情况有所好转,他们也会 投票把他 赶 下台 去。
They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office
他们再也无法忍受这些政客,希望 通过 选举把他们 赶 下台 。
It 's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out .
现阶段不可能判断 投票 结果会 怎样。
They cannot join forces to vote her out of office
他们不能联合起来通过 投票 表决让她 下台 。
美[vot aʊt]英[vəut aut]