wave surface

[wev ˈsɚfəs][weiv ˈsə:fis]


  • The study is made on the statistical distribution of the horizontal accelerations of water particles at wave surface maxima . The distribution is derived on the basis of the linear modal for random waves proposed by Longuet Higgins .

    基于Longuet-Higgins线性海浪模型,在二维情况下导出 海浪 波面极大值处水质点水平加速度分布律,其分布遵从正态分布。

  • A rounded protuberance . A circular opening in an opaque screen transmits only a small circular patch of a wave surface .

    圆块,团圆形突出物不透明屏上一个圆孔仅仅透射 波面的一小圆块。

  • Finite Element Analysis for Bulldozing Resistance of Wave Surface Blade

    波纹型推 板推土阻力的有限元分析

  • A new method based on light refraction is presented for the measurement of wave surface elevation in wave flume via imaging technique .

    提出一种全新的 波面测量方法,利用光学折射原理和图像分析技术对实验水槽中的波面形态进行了大范围测量。

  • The cubic polynomial fitting is used to give the conversion relation between color and wave surface slope .

    利用三次多项式拟合给出了颜色和 波面斜率的转换关系。

  • Computation of the detached shock shape in a supersonic or transonic cascade wave surface of e-ray of uniaxial crystal

    超声速回转 叶栅栅前激波形状的计算单轴晶体内e光的 波面

  • In the paper wave surface was regarded as the wave structure model superposed by several sine waves . It is good for describing stable uniform and narrow spectrum sea state and its frequency spectrum analytical results basically agree with apparent statistic results .

    文章认为,将 波面看作是若干 随机正弦波叠加的海浪结构模型,用于描述平稳、均匀和窄谱的海况时,其频谱分析结果与外观统计结果基本上是一致的;

  • Achieve a curve of ship roll motion in opened loop and the infection of certain slope of wave surface .

    根据学习船舶横摇运动特性,按照某一条船的数据确定了线性横摇模型,用程序实现了在一定 倾角作用下,船舶开环横摇曲线。

  • The location of its seat should be kept submerged in the wave surface below to prevent high-pressure gas rushed into the evaporator .

    其阀座的位置应保持淹没在 波面以下,以防止高压气体冲进蒸发器。

  • The measurement of diverging wave surface curvature radius with hologram Grating-Lens imaging method

    测量发散 波面曲率半径的全息光栅-透镜成像法

  • Finally the effect of refractive index gradient on the wave surface quality of laser beam is discussed .

    讨论了折射率梯度对传输激光 波面质量的影响和波面补偿的可能性。

  • The Measuring Error Analysis of Optical Instrument for Detecting Sea Surface Microstructure and Wave Surface Slope Conversion

    海面微结构光学测量装置的测量误差分析与 波面斜率转换

  • Millimeter - wave Surface Effect in Animals

    毫米 动物 表面 效应研究

  • Information entropy of wave surface displacement and parameters of spectrum width

    海浪 波面的信息熵与 海浪的谱宽度参量

  • Elementary Wave Decomposition on Arbitrary Wave Surface

    任意 波面的基元波分解

  • The applications of dynamics in probability statistics of random wave surface

    随机 波面概率统计中的动力学应用

  • Equations expressed by the time series of wave surface elevation for computing the radiation stress components are proposed .

    推导出了利用 波面随时间的分布来表示的辐射应力计算公式。

  • Effect of nonlinearity on statistical distribution of maxima Of Sea Wave surface

    海浪 波面极大值分布的非线性影响

  • An improved technique for prestack noise elimination is put forward here ; it is used to eliminate or reduce multiple refraction wave surface wave and acoustic wave in common-shot trace gathers .

    本文提出了一种改进的叠前去噪方法,并将它用于消除和削弱炮记录中的多次 折射波和声波等噪声。

  • Application of the apparent wave spectra of a numerical simulated wave surface in a computation for wave elements in shallow water

    数值模拟 波面外观海浪谱在计算浅水波要素中的应用

  • An apparent wave spectrum of numerical simulated wave surface

    数值模拟 波浪的外观海浪谱

  • Study on the crust structure in northwestern China by means of Rayleigh wave surface

    用瑞利 研究中国西北部的地壳结构

  • The results show that ( 1 ) the steadiness of 3-D random waves in time domain is better than their homogeneity in spatial domain ; ( 2 ) Bayesian approach ( BDM ) is available for directional spectrum analysis from velocity data and wave surface data ;

    贝叶斯方法(BDM)适合于流速实验资料和阵列 波浪资料的方向谱分析,给出的方向谱满足随机波浪的内禀性质(如光滑性、连续性等);

  • Instead of riding on the waves in the old hopelessly heroic straight-line style people were now actively traveling all over the wave surface in agile anarchy .

    人们不再穿着死气沉沉的直线型款式冲浪,取而代之的是在 海浪 表面斩浪,尽情驰骋。

  • A statistical analysis on the joint distribution of wave height and period based on simulated wave surface

    由模拟 波面统计分析波高-周期联合分布

  • Millimeter wave surface resistances of Ag doped YBCO High Tc Superconductors

    掺银YBCO高Tc超导体的毫米 表面电阻

  • Study on the Structure and Nature for the Guided Wave Surface of the Surface Wave Antenna

    表面波天线导 表面的结构和性质探讨

  • Real-Time Generation of Ocean Wave Surface


  • At present this apparatus is used mainly for the examination of the perfectness of convergent spherical wave surface with aperture angle ≤ 1:3 hence it can be used for the non-contact direct test of aluminized or unaluminized concave mirrors with any aperture .

    该仪器现在专用来检验张角≤1:3的会聚球 波面的完善性.因此可以用来无接触的直接检验任意口径的镀铝或未镀铝的凹球面镜;

  • A function expansion method as in Liu et al ( 2007 ) is used to formulate the mat-type VLFS floating on the wave surface over uneven sea bottom .

    采用作者们(2007)提出的函数展开法描述箱式超大型浮体漂浮在不平底部海域中的水 弹性 响应问题。