For more information about using wildcards in your queries see the article access wildcard character reference .
有关在查询中使用通配符的详细信息,请参阅access 通配符参考一文。
This topic string uses the special wildcard + character which enables Northern Air to subscribe to arrivals for all airports .
此主题字符串使用了特殊的 通配符+ 字符,它让NorthernAir得以订阅所有机场的航班抵达信息。
An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term however .
但是,在文本搜索项的第一个 字符中,并不支持星号 通配符。
However you cannot substitute the wildcard character for a folder that is followed by another folder name .
但是,如果一个文件夹后还跟有另一个文件夹名称,则不能用 通配符替代 前者。
By using the underscore ( remember the wildcard character in Scala ?) you effectively tell the Scala compiler that all of the members inside BigInteger should be brought into scope .
您可以使用下划线(还记得Scala中的 通配符吧?)有效地告知Scala编译器BigInteger内的所有成员都需要置入作用域。
You can use a wildcard character in the domain name to include all subdomains .
可以在该域名中使用 通配符以包括所有子域。
Avoid using a wildcard as the leading character in a LIKE clause for example LIKE ' % a % ' .
不要在LIKE语句里使用 通配符 % 开始 的 字串。
The final wildcard character means all topics that start with Midi / Short / are subscribed to .
最后的 通配符表明所有以 Midi/Short/开始的主题都是需要订阅的。
Wildcard searching can be accomplished using the % character .
可以在字符串中使用% 字符以 实施 通配符搜索。
Error please enter a provider name to search by . Use % as a wildcard character .
错误,请输入要搜索的提供者名称。请使用%作为 通配符。