Well-chosen clothes will help us get a job find a mate and in general lead a successful life .
衣着 得当有助于我们得到一份工作、找到一个伴侣,从整体上来说,过上一种好生活。
Global goodwill like well-chosen words will not solve America 's or the world 's problems .
全球善意,与 精心 选择的辞藻一样,不能解决美国或全球的问题。
A great board combines several competencies and well-chosen directors often bring more than one of them .
伟大的董事会 需要兼备多种能力,而 精 挑 细 选的董事通常能够 贡献不止一种专长。
The pairs of often-confused words are well-chosen concisely and accurately explained and most importantly illustrated with many examples .
书中的易混淆字组 挑选 得很高明,解说 一针见血,最棒的是,都附上丰富的插图及举例说明。
The speaker chawed up his rival with some well-chosen words .
演讲者用了一些 恰当的言辞把对手彻底驳倒了。
Well-chosen analogies and metaphors can also help .
贴切的类比和比喻也会有 较好 的 效果。
But steerforth always knew the right thing to say and with a few well-chosen words he made us all feel much more comfortable .
然而,斯提福兹总能说出合适的话语,他的几 句 很 得体的话让大家都觉得自在多了。
I suggest that in every unit there be three well-chosen people .
我提出一个单位有三个人要 选 得 好。
I imagine it as a vast world set into motion with a few well-chosen rules .
在我的想象中,这种 游戏 应该是一个广阔的、运动的世界,遵从着一些 精心 选择 过的规则。
A happy turn of phrase ; a few well-chosen words ; a felicitous comment . Rhetoric was no guarantee .
恰当的措辞;一些 适当的词语;恰当的评论。动听的辞令不能当保证。
He introduced the visitors with a few well-chosen words .
他用几 句 简明扼要的话介绍了来访者。
The speaker chawed up his rival with some well-chosen words . Readers and borrowers will be suitably rehearsed in due time .
演讲者用了一些 恰当的言辞把对手彻底驳倒了。读者和借书人到恰当的时候,都得好好演习一下。
There are times during the monologue when you feel a few well-chosen words would be more effective .
在独白中有时你会觉得使用一些 精心 挑选的词会更加有力。
Instead each module is introduced with extremely clear and articulate prose descriptions followed by well-chosen typical usage examples .
而是对每个模块都有极其清晰明了的文字描述,后跟 精选的典型用法示例。
The topic for the thesis is well-chosen .
论题 选 得 很 好。
In order to achieve desirable results games used in vocabulary teaching class should be well-chosen guided by several principles .
为了达到预期的效果,词汇游戏的选择是需要 原则的。
While emphasizing the original flavors of well-chosen materials it features carefully selected ingredients also the artistic shape and bright colors of the dishes and more ornamental value .
扬州菜注重 选料的原汁原味,在菜的装饰上讲究形态的艺术性和颜色的鲜艳性, 扬州菜实际上 糅合了南北菜系之 精华。
Perhaps well-chosen future observations and clever deductive reasoning will unlock the true origin of this enigmatic wisp in the future .
也许未来 精心 准备的远见观察和聪明的演绎推理会解开这个谜一样的小精灵的真正起源。
The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic in the field of language learning .
使用 精心 挑选的词汇,可以检验语言学科里许多基本的。
Good wine and well-chosen dishes are presented to the distinguished guests .
美酒 珍 肴 赠佳宾。
The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words .
诗人将丰富的思想感情浓缩于几个 精选的词语里。
Multi-objective Shop Scheduling Scheme Well-Chosen Decision Making Based on A-E Method
A-E方法的多目标车间排产方案 精选决策
Services have well-chosen granularity
服务 应具有 精心 选择的粒度
This is a well-chosen menu .
这个 食谱 配 得 好。
A beautiful and well-chosen plant can add a great deal to the look and feel of a room .
一株美丽的、 合适的植物能为房间增添许多美感。
Toys are what children almost always interact with and exposing them to a number of well-chosen educational toys will boost their individual growth .
什么是儿童玩具几乎总是互动、揭一批 好 选择教育玩具将推动个人成长。
Firstly we should boil the well-chosen single-chamber cocoon with high temperature .
首先我们应该在高温蒸煮中 精心挑最佳品质的茧。
A cruise ship is a floating hotel where passengers apart from visiting a number of well-chosen international ports can enjoy a part atmosphere throughout the voyage .
游轮是一座游动的浮动的旅馆。乘客除了参观一些 精心 挑选的国际港口外,还能够在整个航程中享受一种聚会的气氛。
In well-chosen cases a Pyrex module can run40-50 times faster than a Python version of the same module .
在仔细 选择的情况中, Pyrex模块的速度可以比Python版本的相同模块的运行速度快40到50倍。