Only one wheelchair finished in that time .
只有一个 坐 轮椅的用了那么点时间。
You 're in a wheelchair all the time - I never thought you 'd mind sitting in the boat .
你一直 坐在 轮椅 里我没想过让你坐在船上你会介意。我以为这是一回事。
There was enough room for a wheelchair to get in but not to turn round .
空间足够让 轮椅 进来,但没法掉头。
An elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone .
一位上了年纪的病人孤单单地坐在 轮椅 上。
But your mom was in the wheelchair long before you left .
但是你妈妈在你走之前就坐在 轮椅 上了。
The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users .
这些设施已经改造过以 方便 轮椅使用者进入。
I felt I was the only person on earth in a wheelchair .
那时候我觉得,我是地球上唯一一个 坐 轮椅的人。
Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface
任何地板上经常有 轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。
He should have a wheelchair .
他该 坐 在 轮椅 上的。
His bad leg condemns him to a wheelchair .
他那条伤腿迫使他 坐在 轮椅 里。
The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease .
那个人可以比较轻松地从 轮椅 上移到座位上。
Five soldiers were each fined £ 140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist
5名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的 轮椅而每人被罚款140英镑。
He 's a black man in a wheelchair .
他是个黑人, 而且他还 坐 着 轮椅?
He wanted to raise money for wheelchair sports and research on spinal cord injuries .
他想为 轮椅运动和脊髓损伤研究募集资金。
She was sitting in her newly-acquired wheelchair .
她正坐在新买的 轮椅 上。
She was85 years old and was confined to a wheelchair .
她85岁了,现在只能 坐 轮椅了。
He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood .
他打小就 只能 坐 轮椅。
Many new trains have space for wheelchair users
许多新型列车为 坐 轮椅者留有空间。
We already have a blind kid and a wheelchair kid .
我们已经有盲孩子和 轮椅孩子。
There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don 't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair .
有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到 轮椅就退缩。
They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair .
接着我来到了你祖父所在的 医院。他们 用 轮椅把他推了出来。
Did you know they have a dancer in a wheelchair now ?
你知不知道现在她们 用 轮椅跳舞了?
You beat up a guy in a wheelchair ?
你殴打了一名坐在 轮椅 里的人?
I request wheelchair service for my mother .
我为我的母亲申请 轮椅服务。
The pub have have a ramp install so that people in wheelchair can get into the garden .
该酒馆安装了一块斜坡,这样坐 轮椅的人可以进入花园。
My wheelchair is electric .
我的 轮椅是电动的。
The premises are wheelchair accessible
该场所 轮椅可以 自由出入。
I was the reason she was in a wheelchair .
我就是他坐在 轮椅 上的原因。
Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines . Consequently he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair
丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与 轮椅为 伴了。