I ain 't nobody 's well-behaved nothing !
我不是任何人的什么 附庸!
Many texts define a Hermitian operator as the following equation that satisfies for all well-behaved functions f and g.
许多教科书将厄米算符定义为对所有的 品 优函数f和g满足下式的算符。
But make sure they are being supervised and being socialized with well-behaved well-controlled dogs .
但是,要确保他们受到的监督和被社会与 良好 的 表现,以及控制狗。
Once the well-behaved ones have been rewarded others will start to copy their behaviour .
一旦 守 规矩的狗儿受到奖励,其他的 狗儿也会比照这种行为。
He is an obedient and well-behaved child .
他是个顺从和 循规蹈矩的孩子。
Becky was well-behaved at school but Adam was naughty .
贝基在学校 表现 的 很 好, 规矩 有 礼,但是亚当却很淘气。
It is said I was a child is a very well-behaved children but there are strange times .
据说我小时候,是一个蛮 乖巧的小孩,但也有奇怪的时候。
What a well-behaved little boy !
多 乖的小男孩!
Mom : Frankly He is more well-behaved than you .
妈妈:说实话,他也比你 表现 得 好 啊。
I mean I can 't train her to be a well-behaved dog .
我是说我没法把她训练成一条 有 规矩的狗。
He is usually well-behaved ; this rudeness is only a lapse .
他一向 彬彬有礼,这次的无礼只是一时的失态。
I was standing on the field it seems that way when he was warm and green light shining on the field . I said well-behaved we will happy .
我站在田野,看来时的路,他被温暖的田野绿光照耀着。我说, 乖,我们都会幸福。
It goes to show that even with her young this boar was no threat to me or my well-behaved dogs because I was no threat to her .
这也显示了即使是和它的幼崽在一起,野猪对我或者我 表现 善意的小狗都是没有威胁的,而我对她也是没有威胁的。
Its youth is polite . Teenagers are remorselessly well-behaved .
中国的年轻人讲礼貌,青少年 行为 规矩到了无可救药的地步。
When you deal with a world space system it 's even and isotropic throughout so you have a well-behaved system that in3D .
在世界空间系当中,一切都是均匀和等向的,这样你就拥有了一个 性能 良好的3D系统。
The children are well-behaved and keen to learn .
这些孩子既 乖 又 好学。
What polite well-behaved children !
多么有礼貌,有 教养的孩子!
At present the programs that have been created work but they are not very well-behaved programs .
目前,已经创建 好的程序 虽然 可以运行,但它们并不是 功能 良好的程序。
I do not want to do the so-called well-behaved child .
我并不想做那些所谓的 乖孩子。
My pa always expected us to be well-behaved when we were childeren .
我们小时候我爹总要我们 乖一些。
The people of this town are for the most part quiet and well-behaved .
这个镇上的人大多温文尔雅, 彬彬有礼。
Well-behaved applications provide enough information to process a document correctly .
行为 良好的应用程序提供正确处理文档的充足信息。
He is a well-behaved man .
他是一个在 、 举止 得体的人。
The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far .
迄今为止,这支军队 作风 端正。
They look like sober well-behaved College kids .
他们看起来都像头脑清醒, 行为 端正的大学生。
You should also work with your appropriate application and functional teams to define what exactly a well-behaved system is .
还应该与相应的应用和功能团队协作确定 运转 良好的系统的精确定义。
Then you can buy your pets special treats and snacks for when they are well-behaved .
然后你就可以购买一些 适合宠物的食品和小吃,在宠物 很乖的时候给它们。
Even at this distance the stresses are too great for well-behaved acoustic transmission .
即使在这段距离上,对于 良好的声学传播来说,应力也显得太大了。