wedge action

[wɛdʒ ˈækʃən][wedʒ ˈækʃən]


  • Here is my personal opinion on the motion and force analysis of component in decling wedge mechanisms about horizontal and slant movement it fixes the action and the distance of travel upon decling ang slip wedge .

    对水平运动和倾斜运动斜 机构中的斜楔和滑楔进行运动和受力分析,确定斜楔和滑楔的行程及所受的 作用力,提出建议。

  • There have been various hypotheses and theories concerning the collapsing deformation of loess soils e.g. capillary effect salt dissolution assumption clay-colloidal shortage hypothesis water-film wedge action and under-compaction theory .

    关于黄土湿陷变形的理论,有过各种各样的假说,如毛管假说、溶盐假说、胶体不足说、水膜 楔入说以及欠压密理论等。

  • Base-plate wedge positive-return cam action forming die

    突-噬菌体斜楔 作用确定回程成形模

  • The water wedge action is also discussed . Water blasting can increase the spacing of boreholes .

    讨论了水的水 作用

  • This paper evaluated the reinforcing effect of controlling unstable wedge where the the sliding surface was the fault f3 and the action restraining the unload relaxation deformation .

    评价了以f3为控制性底滑面不稳定 形体的加固效果以及对抑制卸荷松弛变形 作用