


v.使眼色( wink的现在分词 )递眼色(表示友好或高兴等)(指光)闪烁闪亮

  • I shall be passing presently and I 'll call said Dick winking his eyes significantly .

    我不久会经过那里,我要到那里打个 招呼,狄克说,有 意思 眼睛。

  • I make art and it 's winking at you right now and wants you to take it home with you .

    我的艺术和它的 纵容你的权利,现再想让你是否可以带回家。

  • He eyes still kept staring at Hency without a single winking .

    他的眼睛仍然一眨不 地盯着汉西。

  • Watching us and winking .

    看我们和 眨眼

  • So the older ones have become glassy-eyed and seldom speak ( winking is the star language ) but the little ones still wonder .

    由于时间太久了,现在已经没一个星星能知道了。所以上了年纪的星星已经变得目光呆滞,而且很少说话( 眨巴 眼睛就是星星的语言),可是小星星们还在纳闷着。

  • We 've got to beat them down whispered Daisy winking ferociously toward the fervent sun .

    我们非打倒他们不可。黛西低声地讲,一面拼命地对炽热的太阳 眨眼

  • The stars were winking in the clear sky .

    强风 云间 晴空星星在 晴空 闪耀

  • The car in front is winking it 's going to turn right .

    前面汽车 指示 & 示意要向右转。

  • I noticed him winking at his brother .

    我察觉他对他兄弟 眨眼 示意

  • What are you winking at me for ?

    你给我 使 眼色是为了什么?

  • If you 're not feeling so bright-leave the black screen with lonely Norton Commander or winking Bill Gates .

    如果你不是很亮的感觉-孤独的离开与诺顿指挥官或 眨眼盖茨黑屏幕。

  • She received me sweetly winking eyeing me flirtatiously .

    她看到我冲她 眨眼,就挑逗般的望着我。

  • He said I 'm winking at you Mommy because I love you so much .

    他说:“我在 眨眼啊,妈咪。因为我太 &爱你了!”

  • Darkness was gathering the light which came from street lamps in the campus was winking just like starlight .

    夜已 渐浓,校园里的路灯 闪烁 昏暗的光,就好似星光一般。

  • No winking isn 't ladylike .

    不行, 眼睛可没淑女的样子。

  • But the cut glasses looked so lovely winking and glittering and jeweled in the orange light .

    但,的确这些玻璃看上去实在太美了,在橙色光下,它们如珠宝般 闪烁着光芒。

  • Fixed stars winking and blinking in the heavens were suns .

    固定的星光在天空中 闪烁,那是些恒星。

  • Keep winking back and forth then move your finger closer to your face .

    保持来回 眨眼,然后移动你的手指靠近你的面部。

  • And yet there was nothing just a silence of moving shadows a bulb winking at the walls .

    然而,什么也没有, 惟有寂寂移动的影子,一只灯泡 四壁 眼睛

  • Indicated tacit approval by smiling and winking .

    用微笑和 眼睛来表示默许。

  • She kept winking at me .

    她不停 使 眼色

  • They say he can sum up like winking .

    他们说他 反应 热爱

  • Anyone can do it ; it 's as easy as winking .

    这谁都办 得到简直 易如反掌

  • I 'm not very good at winking so I 've never pulled this move & and if I saw a girl do it I 'd assume she had a twitch .

    我不是很擅长 眨眼,所以我从来没有做出这一举动-如果我看到一个女孩这样做,我会担心她在抽搐。

  • Those who were the nearby saw this exchange of winking and felt impelled to imitate them .

    的人看到这两位 大人 眨眼交流,觉得有必要加以效仿,也互相 眨眼

  • However loving them and winking at their actions is simply wrong .

    但是爱和 纵容自己的行动是完全错误的。

  • From the hotel window they could see lights winking on the bay .

    透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾 一带灯光 摇曳

  • That winking red light means the ink cartridge is empty .

    红灯在 闪烁表示油墨盒没油墨了。

  • Jack that man there is winking at me ; ask him to stop annoying me .

    杰克,那边那个人在朝我 挤眉弄眼,叫他别惹我生气了。

  • You can do it ; it 's as easy as winking .

    你能办到的;那是 易如反掌的事。