winding machine

[ˈwaɪndɪŋ məˈʃin][ˈwaɪndɪŋ məˈʃi:n]


  • Code for construction and acceptance of fiberglass reinforced plastic pipeline A new fuzzy neural network controller is designed in the winding machine .

    纤维缠绕玻璃钢管道安装与验收规程在玻璃钢 缠绕 设备的控制系统中,设计了一种新型模糊神经网络控制器。

  • The utility model relates to a wire winding machine of a mechanical production device with the iron core of a motor embedded in a coil .

    本实用新型涉及电动机铁芯嵌入线圈的机械生产设备 线

  • To meet the request of bobbin yarn winding used by shuttleless loom 's selvage a new-type winding machine of bobbin yarn on shuttleless loom 's salvage is developed .

    为满足无梭织机织边用筒管纱缠绕的需要,应用现代设计方法,研制了一台无梭织机织边用筒管纱 卷绕

  • Winding Line Type and Error Research of FW-300-2 FRP Winding Machine

    FW-300-2型玻璃钢 缠绕 缠绕线型及误差研究

  • Thus the winding machine of good quality must be equipped with nice tension controller .

    可见性能良好的 布带 缠绕 必须配备精密的张力控制器。

  • Aviation electric hoist is mainly used for people rescue and material transfer under extreme conditions . However a tension control system of wire rope winding machine is necessary for safety purpose .

    航空电动绞车主要用于极端条件下人员救援或物资运送,为保证安全工作,需加装钢缆 缠绕 机构张力控制系统。

  • Research on Dynamics Analysis and Design of High Speed Spindle of CNC Winding Machine

    数控 线 高速主轴单元动力学特性分析与设计的研究

  • Control analysis on mechanism of mechanical typed winding machine with three coordinated mechanical linkage control

    机械式 缠绕 的三坐标机械联动控制分析

  • The paper studied the tension control system for NC Filament Winding Machine with magnetic particle clutch as the tension actuator based on the tests .

    文章在实验的基础上,对以磁粉离合器为执行元件的数控纤维 缠绕 精密张力控制系统进行了深入的探讨与研究。

  • An automatic tape-laying system with the master-slave control is designed based on the inhered winding machine for the large composite cylinder production .

    针对某型号工程大型复合材料筒段成型需求,以通用 缠绕 为平台,提出一种基于主从式控制系统的专用自动铺带机系统方案。

  • Introduced the scope of application and structure of hexagonal bead winding machine and multi-wire ring molding machine .

    介绍了六角形胎圈 缠绕 和多钢丝圈成型机的适用范围、结构等。

  • This paper introduces the filament winding principle of the toroidal vessels and gives the design method of the winding machine of the toroidal vessels .

    介绍了环形容器的纤维缠绕成型的基本原理,提出了环形容器 缠绕 设计方案,给出了环形容器 缠绕 成型 工艺 方案

  • Universal automatic spring winding machine manufacturing technology

    万能自动 制造技术

  • New Model of PLC Used in Winding Machine glass parison

    新型可编程控制器在 缠绕 中的应用玻璃雏型,玻璃型坯

  • The utility model belongs to the technical proposal of a stator winding machine .

    本实用新型属于一种定子 线 技术方案。

  • Design of Winding Machine Control System Based on ARM and PLC

    基于ARM和PLC的 新型 线 控制系统设计

  • The quality abnormity can be analyzed timely and exactly via online testing of electronic yarn cleaner in the cone winding machine .

    论述了 上利用电子清纱器进行在线检测存在质量缺陷的纱管,并介绍其原理与方法。

  • At present China has been able to produce their own SGFRP winding machine .

    目前,我国已经能够自主生产玻璃钢夹砂压力管 缠绕

  • Optimum Design of NC Tumble Winding Machine and Development of Its Simulation Software

    数控滚转式 纤维 缠绕 的优化设计与仿真软件的开发

  • An application of OMRON motion control unit in high speed winding machine

    OMRON运动控制单元在高速 线 中的应用

  • After the modal analysis of the housing of the SKR-4DL type winding machine with finite element method the virtual instrument was applied to the on-line vibration property testing on the housing .

    采用有限单元法对 SKR-4DL绕线机箱体进行模态分析后,利用虚拟仪器对箱体进行振动特性的在线检测。

  • Discussion on Application of OMRON Flexible Motion Controller to High-Speed Winding Machine

    OMRON柔性运动控制器FQM1在高速 线 中应用的探讨

  • Factory production of two main series winding machine : BAS and BIF .

    本厂生产的 线 主要有两个系列:BAS和BIF。

  • Control System for a Filament Winding Machine Based on Motion Control

    基于运动控制的纤维 缠绕 控制系统设计

  • The main control system of RHW63P winding machine adopts the internationally advanced control technology and all electric appliances are modularly designed .

    RHW63P型 线 的主控系统采用国际先进的控制技术,全部电器为模块化设计。

  • It is an effective attempt of our institute to realize the mechanization and specialization of the voltage transformer winding technology and design modularization of the winding machine .

    是我所为实现电压互感器绕线工艺的机械化、专业化、以及 线 设计模块化的有效尝试。

  • Is a professional production fully automatic servo winding machine winding mold fixture manufacturers R & D manufacturing .

    是专业生产全自动伺服 线 、绕线模具、治具研发制造的厂家。

  • The winding machine is the key to produce FRP .

    生产夹砂管的关键 设备是玻璃钢夹砂压力管 缠绕

  • Research on New Numerical Control System of Coiling Machinine ; New Model of PLC Used in Winding Machine

    绕线机新型数控系统控制模式的研究新型可编程控制器在 缠绕 中的应用

  • The six-axis filament winding machine was applied to five-axis filament winding of pressure vessel and the filament winding of tee shape fitting .

    并将六轴 缠绕 应用到了压力容器的五坐标缠绕和三通管的缠绕中。