


  • The water system was powered by a windmill .

    供水系统是由 风车提供动力的。

  • Windmill : Machine for harnessing the energy of the wind using sails mounted on a rotating shaft .


  • This is a windmill .

    这是一 风车

  • The last sentence captured the windmill man .

    最后一句话把那个 风车 生意的人将了一

  • You want to build a windmill .

    你想造个 风车

  • Go where you will in holland you will see windmill .

    在荷兰去你想去的地方,会看到 风车

  • He shouted waving his long arms like a windmill .

    他大声喊道,一边像 风车 一样挥动着两条长长的手臂。

  • Vector control of inverter allowed power factor regulation of the windmill .

    对网侧逆变器采用矢量控制来调节 电系统的功率因数。

  • We can see a windmill in the distance .

    我们可以望见远处有 风车

  • WINDMILL stood upon the hill proud to look at and it was proud too .

    山上有一 风车。它的样子很骄傲,它自己也真的感到很骄傲。

  • The staff quickly began to slander the Windmill Inn ; their hotel was apparently much better .

    很快,这家旅店的员工开始诋毁 风车旅店,说他们这家旅店明显好得多。

  • Most others use the principle of an underwater windmill whose rotors are turned by the tide .

    其他的潮汐能 设施大多都采用“水下 风车”的原理&它们的轮子就是由潮水推动的。

  • Perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill .

    多年生澳大利亚草,有许多像 风车 的花组成的穗状花序。

  • I saw a windmill on the hill .

    我在小山上看见了一个 风车 磨坊

  • Windmill generators can effectively make use of wine energy a kind of clean energy .

    风能是一种清洁可再生能源, 风力发电可以有效地利用风能。

  • Promotional items ; mad carnival ; banner ; garden ornaments ; wind with the wind of ; windmill ;

    促销品;狂狂欢节;旗帜;庭院装饰品;风同风条; 风车

  • The windmill idled in the breeze .

    风车在微风中慢慢 转动

  • I 'm blowing the windmill .


  • If we can get one windmill working .

    如果我们能造出一个 风车来。

  • Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill .

    多年的风雨毁坏了古老的 风车

  • On the word of yoyneh there 's no more a castle here than a windmill .

    用犹奈的话说,这里连 风车都没有,更别说城堡了。

  • It is introduced the lubricating system of windmill generator and its requirements to lubricants .

    简要介绍了 风力发电机的润滑系统及对润滑剂的要求。

  • You ever try doing a windmill ?

    你试过 风车吗?

  • He got his windmill on a system of easy payments that staggered even the ironmonger himself .

    他买下了 风车,付款条件之优惠,连五金商本人都感到惊异。

  • The windmill has stopped .

    风车 动换了。

  • One windmill held out against the steam-driven flour mills and kept on turning its sails .

    仍有一 风车 磨坊一直与那些蒸汽驱动的面粉厂相抗衡,继续地转动扇叶。

  • In this article I explore three functional testing tools : Windmill Selenium and twill .

    在本文中,我讲解了3个功能测试工具: Windmill、Selenium和twill。

  • Without patronage art is like a windmill without wind .

    没有赞助,艺术就象一 无风 风车

  • Look it 's headed for the windmill ! Come on !

    看,它往 风车 那边 了!我们追!

  • The picture of the stamp is clogs and the windmill .

    邮票上的图片是木屐和 风车