A shaft sunk inside a tunnel is called a winze .
u6697u4e95u662fu96a7u9053u5185u7684 u4e0bu6c89u7ad6u4e95u3002
Her eyes have sunk in .
u5979u7684u773cu775b u9677 u8fdbu53bbu4e86u3002
His eyes cheeks w_96 have sunk in .
u4ed6u7684u773cu775bu9762u988aw_105 u51f9 u4e0bu53bbu4e86u3002
Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent
u5de5u8d44u589eu957fu7387u5df2 u964du81f37%u5de6u53f3 u3002
Her fright and concern sunk her down in a deep swoon .
u6050u60e7u548cu62c5u5fc3 u4f7fu5979u660fu53a5u5728u5730u3002
Those caverns had been sunk in the swampy ground at great cost for the security of the empire .
u4e3au4e86u5e1du56fdu7684u5b89u5168uff0cu90a3u4e9bu5730u4e0bu5ba4u91ccu82b1 u4e86u5de8u5927u7684u4ee3u4ef7u5728u6f6eu6e7fu7684u571fu5730u4e0au6316u51fau6765u7684u3002
The ship was sunk on express orders from the Prime Minister .
u9075u7167u9996u76f8u7684u660eu786eu6307u4ee4uff0cu90a3u8258u8239u88ab u51fbu6c89u4e86u3002
Her eyes were sunk deep into their sockets .
u5979u7684u773cu775b u6df1u9677u5728u773cu7a9du91ccu3002
The river has sunk .
u6cb3u6c34 u8dcc u4e86u3002
Three invading battleships were sunk at one stroke .
3u8258u5165u4fb5u519bu8230u88abu4e00u4e3e u51fbu6c89u3002
His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper
u4ed6u7684u58f0u97f3 u8d8au6765u8d8au4f4euff0cu6700u540eu6210u4e86 u9b3cu9b3cu795fu795fu7684u8033u8bedu3002
Share prices would have sunk u2014 hurting small and big investors
u80a1u7968u4ef7u683cu5c31u4f1a u4e0bu8dccu2014u2014u5927u5c0fu6295u8d44u8005u5747u4f1au906du53d7u6253u51fbu3002
The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount .
u6295u5165u7684u8d44u91d1u6570u91cf u60cau4ebau3002
He looked very pale ; his cheeks had sunk in .
u4ed6u8138u8272u82cdu767duff0cu53ccu988a u584cu4e86 u4e0bu53bbu3002
He is sunk in the depths of vice .
u4ed6 u5815u5165u7f6au6076u7684u6df1u6e0au3002
The foundations have sunk .
u623fu57fa u584cu9677u3002
All three enemy warships were sunk .
u4e09u8258u654cu8230u5168u90e8 u8986u6ca1u3002
Without him we 'd be well and truly sunk .
u6ca1u6709u4ed6u6211u4eecu80afu5b9au5f7bu5e95 u73a9u5b8c u4e86u3002
The Social Democratic Party has sunk without trace at these elections
u793eu4f1au6c11u4e3bu515au5728u8fd9u4e9bu9009u4e3eu4e2du5df2 u9500u58f0u533fu8ff9u3002
Bulgaria 's economy has sunk into chaos .
u4fddu52a0u5229u4e9au7684u7ecfu6d4eu5df2 u9677u5165 u4e86u6df7u4e71u3002
The sun has sunk in the west .
u592au9633u5df2u7ecf u4e0bu5c71u3002stu3002
The boat was sunk by a hurricane .
u5c0fu8239u88abu98d3u98ceu522e u6c89 u4e86u3002
The sun had already sunk below the horizon
u592au9633u5df2u7ecf u843du5230 u4e86u5730u5e73u7ebfu4ee5u4e0bu3002
He has already sunk $ 25million into the project .
u4ed6u5728u8fd9u9879u76eeu4e0au5df2u7ecf u6295u8d44 u4e862u4e07u7f8eu5143u4e86u3002
But so low has morale sunk that the team and the fans would have been grateful for small mercies .
u58ebu6c14u5982u6b64u4f4eu6c89uff0c u4e00u4e01u70b9u7684u597du8fd0u90fdu4f1au8ba9u961fu5458u548cu7403u8ff7u5e86u5e78u4e0du5df2u3002
The sky was dark stars were twinkling high above night was reigning and everything was sunk in silken silence .
u5929u5f88u9ed1uff0cu661fu5f88u7e41uff0c u591cu9611u4ebau9759u3002
The foundations have sunk caved in w_629 .
u5730u57fa u4e0bu9677u3002
The pound had sunk 10 per cent against the Schilling .
u82f1u9551u5bf9u5965u5730u5229u5148u4ee4u7684u6bd4u4ef7u5df2u7ecf u4e0bu8dcc u4e8610%u3002
They are sunk in the depth of vice .
u4ed6u4eec u5815u5165 u4e86u7f6au6076u7684u6df1u6e0au3002
The ball sunk down .
u7403 u762au4e86u3002
v.(使)下沉, (使)沉没( sink的过去分词 )sink的过去分词陷入不快( 或沉思) 中