A long narrow shallow trench made in the ground by a plow . superolateral superficial inguinal lymph nodes
u7281u6c9fu7281u5728u5730u9762 u5212u51fau7684u7a84u800cu6d45u7684 u957fu6c9fu8179u80a1u6c9f u4e0a u5916u4fa7u6d45u6dcbu5df4u7ed3
Shopping list Hypertropia associated with superolateral translation of the superior rectus muscle pulley in unilateral coronal synostosis
u5355u4fa7u51a0u72b6u7f1du65e9u95edu4f34u4e0au76f4u808cu6ed1u8f66 u4e0a u5916u4fa7 u79fbu4f4du7684u4e0au659cu89c6
The central sulcus almost disappeared on the section through the posterior border of splenium of corpus callosum the appearing rate of the central sulcus on the superolateral surface was 33 % on the both sides .
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Superolateral orbital rim keyhole approach for middle cerebral artery aneurysms : surgical technique and outcome
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Applied Anatomy of Anterior Superolateral Approach for the Shoulder Joint
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