The little boy was having the sunbath on the beach in his birthday suit .
u8fd9u4e2au5c0fu7537u5b69 u8d64u6761u6761 u5730 u8ebau5728u6c99u6ee9u4e0a u6652u592au9633u3002
Dadong Sea is your best choice to take a sunbath .
u5728u5927u4e1cu6d77 u8fdbu884c u65e5u5149 u6d74u662fu6700u597du7684u9009u62e9u3002
The beach there is a resort for sunbath .
u90a3u91ccu7684u6d77u6ee9u662f u65e5u5149 u6d74u80dcu5730u3002
I like lying on the beach enjoying the sunbath .
u6211u559cu6b22u8ebau5728u6c99u6ee9u4e0auff0cu4eabu53d7 u65e5u5149 u6d74u3002
Hand-woven straw hats take a sunbath under the hot sun .
u624bu5de5u7f16u7ec7u7684u8349u5e3duff0cu5728 u5c4bu524d u6392 u597d u961fuff0c u8fdbu884c u65e5u5149 u6d74u3002
If Not could you have a sunbath with me right now ?
u4e0du53efu4ee5u7684u8bdduff0cu73b0u5728 u5148u966au6211 u6652 u592au9633 u597du4e0du597duff1f
Let 's go and get a sunbath on the balcony .
u6211u4eecu5230u9633u53f0 u4e0au53bb u6652 u6652 u592au9633u5427u3002
I will treat myself to a sunbath .
u6211u8981 u597du597d u4eabu53d7 u4e00u4e0b u65e5u5149 u6d74u3002